Teacher Appreciation Week 2023 in the US: Everything you need to know

Teachers play an important role in nurturing students from the beginning and are responsible for building a foundation of knowledge and skills that students will use throughout their lives. To honor the dedication of those teachers, the US Government designated this week as Teacher Appreciation Week. Let’s learn more about what this event includes in the sections below;

Teacher Appreciation Week 2023: Context

US foundation. Teacher appreciation week has long passed. In 1944, some discussions among political and educational leaders led to the discovery of a day dedicated to honoring the efforts of teachers in the lives of students. In 1953, Eleanor Roosevelt persuaded the 81st Congress to declare National Teachers’ Day and declared March 7 as National Teachers’ Day.

Following this announcement, the National Education Association (NEA) began observing Teachers’ Day on the first Tuesday in March until in 1985, the National Parent Teacher Association began observing the entire first week. May is Teacher Appreciation Week.

When does Teacher Appreciation Week 2023 take place?

Although the National Education Association and the National Parent Teacher Association both celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week from May 8 to May 12, there is still some debate about when it will take place. However, several US states and counties are celebrating it this week. Additionally, National Day Calendar and Calendar Calendar both celebrate Teacher’s Day on May 9.

How is Teacher Appreciation Week 2023 organized?

With the dedicated efforts that teachers make every day, they deserve to be honored and admired by students and authorities. From establishing a solid foundation for students to helping them acquire the knowledge and skills needed to survive in the real world, they guide students in the right direction.

To honor their altruistic spirit, American schools celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week with a number of activities such as classroom celebrations, school assemblies, and community events. Additionally, students, parents, and community members also show gratitude and appreciation by writing thank you notes or giving them gifts.

Idea for Teacher Appreciation Week

Most of you reading this article are probably students studying at high schools and colleges. You may also have some special teachers and mentors who have supported you every step of the way. This Teachers’ Day, you can express your gratitude towards them by doing these activities;

  • Write a thank you note or a letter to your favorite teacher

There is always a teacher that we respect and admire. To express our gratitude to that teacher, you can write a thank you note or a letter to remind them how much you appreciate them and that their efforts encourage you to do better.

  • Demonstrate active participation in class

There is nothing more rewarding for a teacher than knowing that students are understanding what they are teaching. If you like the way they teach, you can show your active participation in class by asking questions or participating in class activities conducted by the teacher.

Giving gifts to teachers is one of the best ways to show your appreciation and gratitude towards them. If you’re not sure what to give them, you can search for many ideas online and even check for discounts on gift-giving websites.

  • Decorate the classroom softboard with notes

Another effective way to show gratitude to your teacher is to decorate the classroom softboard with thank you notes, letters, and greeting cards. It will be a great wow factor for your teacher and will make them feel appreciated.


This is all about Teacher Appreciation Week 2023. Through this article, we have highlighted the importance of teachers in our lives and the small gestures we can do to Make them feel special and valued. We hope this article will help you plan well for this week.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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