Small crossword with answers: August 8, 2023

Jagran Josh mini crossword is a fun and challenging word puzzle game that covers a wide range of topics, including general knowledge, static GK, India and world economy, politics, geography , history, science and technology, sports and English vocabulary.

We publish a new crossword every day, so there’s always a new challenge to try. Crosswords are free to play. Our mini crosswords are a great way to learn new things. The clues in the crossword puzzle are designed to teach you new facts and puzzles.

Solve daily online crossword puzzles on Jagran Josh to learn new English words, general knowledge and quizzes!

Small crossword: August 8, 2023

Solve this mini crossword with the clues provided below:



1. The word means to destroy completely; end. (9 letters)

3. Chemical compound with formula SO2. (6,7 letters)


2. This village in the Nubra Valley in Ladakh is famous for its natural hot springs. (7 letters)

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Small crossword with answers: August 8, 2023

Check out the mini crossword answers below: crossword puzzle answers


1. Elimination

3. Sulfur dioxide


2. Panamik

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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