Search Quiz: You have eagle eyes if you can see a shoe in an underwater scene for 5 seconds!

Find Hidden Shoe in 5 Seconds

Search Puzzle: A “find and find” puzzle based on the premise of finding a hidden item in a picture within a limited time. This is one of the most popular activities that netizens are experimenting with today.

Solving these puzzles requires intense focus and concentration for a short period of time.

These activities not only help a lot in improving observation skills but also help relieve stress and help relax after a long day.

It is very popular among children as well as adults and is often used as a fun way to improve cognitive skills.

Do you want to test how detail-oriented you are?

Then try this challenge now!

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Search – Find the Hidden Shoe in 5 Seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above depicts an underwater scene where you can see children with scuba gear exploring the seabed and marine life.

In the photo there are many different types of marine life such as octopus, dolphins along with other fish species.

Hidden underwater is a shoe that you need to discover within 5 seconds.

Those with keen observation skills will be able to spot the shoe within a limited time.

Look closely at the image, scan all the areas, and see if you can spot the hidden shoe.

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Can you find the shoe in 5 seconds?

Detecting a hidden shoe in 5 seconds is a difficult question even for experienced observers.

For a keen eye, spotting the shoe won’t take much time.

Have you discovered the hidden shoe yet?


Looking for a suggestion?

Here it is.

The shoe is not on the right side of the image.

Have you discovered the hidden shoe now?

Hurry up; The clock is ticking fast.


Every now and then.

How many of you have successfully discovered the shoe hidden in the photo?

We believe that by now most of you may have discovered the hidden shoe.

Those who are still looking for shoes can see the solution provided below.

Find a shoe in 5 seconds – Solution

The hidden shoe can be found in the lower left of the image, where it rests against the back of the treasure chest.


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