Search puzzle: You are a genius if you can find the parrot hidden on the balcony in 7 seconds

Find Hidden Parrot on Balcony in 7 Seconds

Search Puzzle: Finding a hidden object or objects in an image is the basic concept behind “find” puzzles. This will be a good test of your observation skills.

The user must search for the object or objects in the photo within a predetermined time period to successfully complete the challenge.

The “find” challenge is a popular activity that can be done alone or in groups.

A similar challenge is presented before you here, where you need to find a parrot hidden in a balcony scene within 7 seconds.

Do you have what it takes to find a parrot hidden in a balcony scene in 7 seconds?

Let’s find out.

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Search – Find the Hidden Parrot in 7 Seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shows a balcony scene in a controlled society where many different types of people can be seen.

A woman can be seen watering plants, a girl holding a magnifying glass, a man working on a laptop.

There’s also a little girl with her pet dog and a young woman looking curiously out the window, and oh yes, two cats can be seen and do I miss Santa.

Among them, you can see a guy looking confused when his pet bird escaped from the cage.

You can see flocks of pigeons in this picture, but they are not what you are looking for.

The missing bird is a parrot as the title suggests.

Making the task difficult is the intelligent parrot that is hiding in plain sight in the photo.

Only detail-oriented individuals with good observation skills will be able to spot the parrot in limited time.

Take a close look at the image, scan all the areas and see if you can spot the hiding parrot.

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Did you find the Parrot in 7 Seconds?

The parrot is expertly hiding in the balcony scene and the clock is ticking very fast.

Any progress yet?

Looks like you can now do with some suggestions.

Here it is.

The parrot is not on the right side of the image.

Do you recognize the parrot now?

Only three seconds left.





The deadline has expired.

How many of you have successfully spotted the parrot in the photo?

Most of you may have already discovered the parrot, while some are still looking.

Curious to know where the parrot is hidden?

Stop searching for the parrot now and see the solution below.

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Find the hidden parrot in 7 seconds – Solution

The parrot can be seen perched on the curtain on one of the balconies on the left side of the image.

It has a yellow beak and is present on the balcony on the extreme left side.


Must try:

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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