Search puzzle: Only the brightest minds will find the hidden salamander in 9 seconds. Are you one of them?

Find Hidden Iguana in 9 Seconds

Search Puzzle: A “find and find” puzzle based on the premise of finding a hidden item in a picture within a limited time.

Hidden items can be any objects, animals, numbers, alphabets, etc. This activity is beneficial in enhancing your concentration and enhancing your observation skills.

In this activity you will see an image and the challenge before you is to find the hidden item. It’s a quick and easy way to test how detail-oriented you are.

Want to know how sharp your observation skills are?


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Search and Find – Find Iguana in 9 seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above depicts a park scene in which you can see a bench and lights along it.

You can also see the rays of sunlight penetrating the canopy above and reaching the ground. But are you missing something?

As the title suggests, there is a salamander hidden in this photo and you need to find it in 9 seconds.

Those with keen observation skills will be able to spot the iguanas for a limited time.

Take a close look at the image, scan all the areas, and see if you can spot the iguana in the park.

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Can you find the Iguana in 9 seconds?

There’s a hidden salamander roaming the park and you have 9 seconds to spot it.

Did you spot the salamander?

Hurry up; The clock is ticking fast.


Need a suggestion?

Here it is.

The iguana is not on the right side of the image.

Have you spotted the salamander now?

There are only three seconds left before the challenge ends.





Every now and then.

How many of you successfully spotted the iguana in the photo?

We believe that by now most of you may have discovered the iguana, while some are still looking.

Curious to know where the salamander is hidden?

Stop looking for iguanas now and see the solution below.

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Find Iguana in 9 seconds – Solution

The iguana can be spotted on the tree branch on the left side of the picture. It is light blue in color and is identified by its tail.


Must read:

Search Puzzle: Can you find the three tailless cats in the picture in 6 seconds?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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