Search and Find: Find Weird Emojis in 3 Seconds

Find Odd Emoji in 3 Seconds

Search Puzzles are one of the most popular online activities in which readers are shown an engaging image in which they must find a hidden object.

They are a fun and challenging way to improve your critical thinking skills, while helping you learn to think creatively and come up with creative solutions to problems.

Regularly practicing these puzzles can keep the mind active and prevent cognitive decline, which is especially beneficial for older adults.

If you’re looking to test your attention span and have fun in the process, then try this search puzzle now!


Optical illusion: Detect hidden baby in 6 seconds

Search and Search – Find weird emojis in 3 seconds


Source: YouTube

The image shared above depicts a group of devil emojis.

At first glance, all the emojis seem the same, but there is one emoji among them that is different.

Observe the image carefully and spot the weird emoji in 3 seconds.

Your time starts now.

Emojis are present somewhere in the photo; keep your eyes open.

Did you spot the weird emoji?

Hurry up; the clock is ticking.

Before the clock says time is up, look at the photo again and try to find the weird emoji.


End time.

You can stop looking for emojis now.

How many of you have discovered weird emojis?

Most readers have probably discovered the weird emoji.

Congratulations! You have a sharp mind and an equally good observational ability.

Wondering where the weird emoji are?

Check the answers given below.

Brain Teaser: Find the password for Sunday in 9 seconds!

Find weird emoji in 3 seconds – Solution

The weird emoji can be spotted in the first column and the third row. The emoji looks different from the others because it is smiling while the others have angry faces.


Your mind will be sharper than a supercomputer if you can find the mistake in a picture in 4 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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