Search and Find: Can you find a strawberry in the store in 5 seconds?

Find Strawberry in the store in 5 seconds

Search and Find: “Seek Challenge” is an online game in which participants are asked to find a hidden object in a picture. It is a good way to test an individual’s observation skills and attention to detail.

The hidden object can be any object, animal, number, alphabet, etc. Regularly practicing this activity will be highly effective in improving observation and attention skills.

Do you have a keen eye for detail?

Let’s find out now!

Search and Find: You have a high IQ if you can spot a ghost among the skeletons in 5 seconds!

Seek and Find – Find strawberries in the store in 5 seconds


Source: YouTube

In the image shared above, a woman can be seen buying groceries in a store.

But that’s not what you should be looking for.

Hidden in the store is a strawberry and your challenge is to find the strawberry in 5 seconds.

The purpose of this quiz is to test your level of attention and detail. This is a great test of your ability to observe things.

Only those with exceptional visual skills can solve the limited time challenge.

Have you found the strawberries hidden in the store?

Hurry up; Time is running out.

The strawberry is right there in front of your eyes, but the way it blends in the photo makes it hard to notice at first glance.

Do you recognize the strawberry now?

Focus on the image to see if you can spot anything that resembles a strawberry.

Last few seconds left.


Every now and then.

Most of you might have recognized strawberries with your keen eyesight.

Some of you may still be looking for a strawberry.

You can stop searching now.

Curious to know where the strawberries are hiding?

Then see the solution below.

Find Strawberries in 5 Seconds – Solution

Strawberries are present on the left side of the image. It is tied into the woman’s hair.


Improve your observation skills further with these challenges:

Word puzzle: Can you figure out the word “pathologist” in 9 seconds?

Find the differences: Can you find 5 differences between two photos at the watch store in 16 seconds?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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