Science trivia of invention and discovery: Harnessing talent from Edison to Einstein

Science multiple choice questions with answers: Science benefits society, helping to enhance and improve the quality of life. Over the past year, all the inventions and discoveries in science and technology have led to progress in field medical discoveries and environmental remedies leading to a sustainable future.

Take the quiz below to test your knowledge of discoveries and inventions from Edison to Einstein

1. Who is credited with inventing the telephone?

a) Thomas Edison

b) Alexander Graham Bell

c) Nikola Tesla

d) James Watt

Reply. b

Explanation: Wilbur and Orville Wright spent four years in research and development to create the first successful powered airplane, the 1903 Wright Flyer.

2. In what year was the Wright brothers’ first successful flight?

a) 1903

b) 1910

c) 1899

d) 1920

Reply. One


3. What did Marie Curie discover?

a) Penicillin

b) X-Rays

c) Radioactivity

d) Electricity

Reply. c

Explanation: She discovered polonium and radium, supported the use of radiation in medicine and fundamentally changed our understanding of radiation.

4. Who is known to have invented the light bulb?

a) Isaac Newton

b) Benjamin Franklin

c) Albert Einstein

d) Thomas Edison

Reply. d

Explanation: In 1878, Thomas Edison began serious research to develop a practical incandescent light bulb, and on October 14, 1878, Edison filed his first patent application for “Improvement of the electric lamp”.

5. Relativity is associated with

a) Galileo Galilei

b) Johannes Kepler

c) Albert Einstein

d) Isaac Newton

Reply. c

Explanation: The theory of relativity usually includes two related physical theories of Albert Einstein.

6. What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?

a) Steam engine

b) Printer

c) Telephone

d) Radio station

Reply. b

Explanation: Gutenberg was a German inventor and craftsman who introduced letterpress printing to Europe with his portable printer.

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7. Who discovered penicillin?

a) Louis Pasteur

b) Alexander Fleming

c) Robert Koch

d) Edward Jenner

Reply. b

Explanation: Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician-scientist credited with discovering penicillin.

8. The discovery of America is credited with merit

a) Christopher Columbus

b) Vasco da Gama

c) Ferdinand Magellan

d) Marco Polo

Reply. One

Explanation: Christopher Columbus began his journey to explore the famous land of India but instead, his ship landed in North America. He discovered America instead of India.

9. Who is responsible for developing the World Wide Web (WWW)?

a) Tim Berners-Lee

b) Steve Jobs

c) Bill Gates

d) Mark Zuckerberg

Reply. One

Explanation: Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 while working at CERN.

10. What did Galileo Galilei invent?

a telescope

b) Microscope

c) Telephone

d) Clock

Reply. One

Explanation: Galileo built his first telescope in 1609, which was modeled on telescopes manufactured in other parts of Europe that could magnify objects three times.

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