Sadbhavana Diwas 2023: 30 inspirational and memorable quotes by Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi

Sadbhavana Diwas 2023: Rajiv Gandhi is India’s youngest Prime Minister who served the country from 1984 to 1989. Today is the 76th anniversary of the birth of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and is considered Sadbhavana Diwas or Peace Day. fit. Rajiv Gandhi was born on 20 August 1944 as Rajiv Ratna Gandhi in Bombay (now Mumbai) to Indira Gandhi and Feroze Gandhi. After he was posthumously awarded the ‘Bharat Ratan’, the highest civilian award in India.

Sadbhavana Diwas 2023, Rajiv Gandhi’s 76th Birth Anniversary: ​​All You Need to Know

30 inspirational and memorable quotes by Rajiv Gandhi

1. “Better brain bleed than brain drain.”

2. “A responsible administration is most tested at the point of communication between the government and the people.”

3. “India missed the Industrial Revolution; it couldn’t miss the Computer Revolution.”

4. “Terrorists are busy at home and abroad carrying out such activities, endangering the unity and integrity of the country.”

5. “When the big tree falls, the ground shakes”.

6. “Education must be a great equalizer in our society. It must be a tool for leveling the differences that our various social systems have made over thousands of years. “

7. “Women are the social conscience of a nation. They hold our society together.”

8. “Development is not about factories, dams, roads. Development is for people. The goal is to satisfy the people materially, culturally and spiritually. The human factor has supreme value. in development.”

9. “She is the mother not only of me but of the whole nation. She served the people of India to the last drop of her blood.”

10. “India is an old country but a young country…I’m young and I also have a dream, I dream of a strong, independent, self-reliant India and at the top of the nations. in the world, at the service of humanity.”

11. “If farmers become weak then the country will lose self-reliance but if they are strong freedom will also become strong. If we don’t maintain progress in agriculture, India will not But our greatest poverty alleviation program is to improve the living standards of our farmers. The driving force of our poverty alleviation programs is to raise farmers’ morale. .”

12. “Our mission today is to bring India to the threshold of the 21st century, free from the burden of poverty, legacy of its colonial past, and capable of meeting the growing aspirations of its people. our people.”

13. “We must see that the regional imbalance in the development of the various parties in the country is eliminated and that all the states make equal progress. We will make sure that every citizen. within the country have a full opportunity to contribute their energies to the advancement of India.”

14. “If my mother gets help from that, I’ll go into politics.”

15. “The world is changing so quickly that we cannot have a dying, inflexible system that cannot evolve and evolve with the changes in society, in our country, as they unfold. out into the world.”

16. “The road to building a democratic nation requires patience, perseverance and a spirit of reconciliation.”

17. “Thinking about this university [Ambedkar University] Today, we remember Mahatma Gandhi because if there was anyone fighting for the underdog in India who was the first to speak out in favor of the scheduled Castes, it was Gandhi ji. Before him there were social workers but no one raised the issue in politics like he did.”

18. “India’s fragmentation into rigidly segregated urban and rural settlements is the worst legacy of the colonial system of local government.”

19. “A responsible administration is most tested at the point of communication between government and citizens.”

20. “Instead of understanding the crisis the country is facing and helping the country, the opposition wants to weaken the country with its actions.”

21. “I want to be remembered as the person who brought India into the 21st century alongside the most advanced countries in the world, from treating India as a developing country to being a developed country. “

22. “India is an old country, but a young one. We are impatient, I am impatient. And I also have a dream of a strong, independent and self-reliant India.”

23. “Our Plans cannot be rigid and dogmatic. They must change with the times and move with the development of the country. Every year there are new pressures, new circumstances and each Plan. All of these things have to be taken into account.”

24. “The late Indira Gandhi always warned of the dangers facing the country. She often said that the country was going through extremely dangerous times. The danger is many times greater now than it was then. … Now we should all be cautious.”

25. “There are days when people think India is shaking. But there are always tremors when a big tree falls.”

26. “In every democracy, the will of the people is paramount. We should turn the ardent desire for friendship of the Indian and Pakistani peoples into meaningful cooperative measures in every step of the way. life.”

27. “Civilizations are built by the incessant labor of many generations. With softness and laziness, civilizations will not endure. Let us beware of decadence.”

28. “We need a better strategy to achieve the national goal of a more stable, healthier, and better-educated population.”

29. “I didn’t have any personal goals when I came in, but after getting into politics – after seeing people, their difficulties, their desires – I think our goal should be to clear it out. poverty reduction in India.”

30. “National consensus is required. We cannot legislate without a national consensus that religious groups and communities should be completely banned from participating in politics.”

Rajiv Gandhi Biography: Birth, Sadbhavana Diwas, Assassination, Family, Education, Personal Life and Political Career

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