Personality Test: Your favorite Harry Potter character reveals your true personality traits

Personality Test: Your Favourite Harry Potter Character Reveals Your True Personality Traits

Personality Test: Harry Potter is the fantasy fantasy series that most of us grew up with. Written by JK Rowling, Harry Potter’s first novel, The Philosopher’s Stone, came out in 1997, sold more than 120 million copies worldwide and changed the literary landscape forever.

The Harry Potter novels were also soon adapted into a very successful film series, starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Granger in the main roles as the central characters, respectively, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. . The trio are some of the most recognizable characters on the planet and the entire series follows their lives and adventures as they battle the dark wizard Lord Voldemort.

The central trio are some of the most fleshed-out characters in the Harry Potter franchise, and most people can identify with at least one of them in one way or another. Interestingly, your favorite Harry Potter character can also reveal your true personality traits. Take the following personality test and choose between Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley to find out who you really are.

Your favorite Harry Potter character reveals your true personality traits!

The Harry Potter series has countless characters, all with distinct personalities. But the central trio is arguably the one people relate to the most. Choose a character between Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger to find out your true personality traits.

#1: Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is the main character of the novel series and is depicted as a small, skinny boy with messy hair and round glasses. If you identify most with Harry Potter then you are a very kind and empathetic person. You are very loyal to your friends and family. You value strong relationships and cannot tolerate broken promises. You are also a good person but are not afraid to get into awkward situations because of your loved ones. You are brave, thoughtful, and hard-working. You are not one to enjoy the spotlight and prefer to stay in the shadows, but your talents often push you into the spotlight. However, you don’t feel uncomfortable when you receive praise, especially when you think you deserve it. You are humble and selfless to your core, but sometimes you forget that.

#2: Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is the bossy and smart girl in the group and is known for her incredible intelligence. If she is your favorite character, then you are a straightforward, upright and idealistic person. You are not mincing with your words and are not afraid to convey your true thoughts. However, you are also quite perceptive and know when someone is feeling depressed. You love learning new things and exploring. You have an unquenchable curiosity. You are also oriented, responsible and highly reliable. Problem-solving skills are one of your greatest strengths, and you know how to use them effectively. You are also confident and disciplined.

#3: Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley is Harry Potter’s best friend and a beloved character in the series. If he is your favorite person then you are a happy and gentle soul. You are full of life and spread joy to those around you. Your sense of humor is legendary and you’re not afraid to speak your mind. However, sometimes you can be a little immature. You are excitable and like to have fun. You are underestimated by everyone and have a zeal to prove yourself. You look on the bright side of things and don’t let anything get you down. You have that underdog spirit in your heart and are ready to show your bravery at any time. You are also a loyal friend and always try to comfort them when they feel sad. You also love unconditionally and don’t care what the world thinks of you. Your courage, cheerfulness and generosity know no bounds.

Are we accurately assessing your personality based on your favorite Harry Potter character? Let us know in the comments.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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