Personality Test: The animal you choose reveals your dark personality traits

Personality Test: Everyone has reactions to animals. Some despise them, some fear them and others admire them. Your inherent reaction to an animal also depends on your personality and the animal itself; After all, no one wants to cuddle an alligator. Your choice of favorite animal can say a lot about your personality, including your greatest strengths and your hidden dark side.

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Today, we have a quick and fun personality test for you. There are 8 animals and you have to choose one of them. The animal you choose reveals your dark personality traits. Please note, these are not the typical animals one would associate with a personality test. Careful. Now, relax your mind and carefully choose one of the following animals to explore your dark side.

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Personality Test: The animal you choose reveals your dark personality traits

1. Newspaper

1. Panther Personality Test Animal Dark personality traits

First is the leopard. Imagine getting lost in the woods at night and encountering a pair of bright yellow eyes looking at you. The leopard strikes terror into men’s hearts with its distinctive black body and bright eyes. If this is your choice, you have a mysterious yet fierce personality. There is a mysterious atmosphere around you that always makes others curious. You wait patiently and carefully to make your move. You have a tough exterior but are gentle on the inside. However, those who cross you must endure your wrath cruelly.

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2. Vultures

2. Vulture Personality Test Dark personality traits of animals

If you choose the vulture then you have an opportunistic nature. You tend to look for weaknesses and often manipulate others to get ahead. You are also overly patient and cautious. You avoid risks at all costs and stay away from crowds. You are the type of person who always stays silent and plots revenge against those who have harmed you. You don’t let go of grudges easily.

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3. Bear

3. Bear personality test Dark personality traits of animals

Bears are one of the most misunderstood animals in the wild, and if you choose one, the same could happen to you. Like a bear, you tend to stay out of trouble and mind only your own business. But when provoked, you react with fierce anger, reminding others why they shouldn’t pick a fight with you. You also stand your ground when the situation calls for it and don’t give up without a fight. You are quiet, confident and fearless, but sometimes you can abuse your authority to get results.

4. Black widow spider

4. Black widow spider personality test Dark personality traits of animals

Those who choose black widow spiders are masters of manipulation. You can trap others in your lies and continually escalate. You don’t care much about other people’s feelings and rank yourself higher than others. You are good at planning and always two steps ahead in life.

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5. Crow

5. Raven Personality Test Dark personality traits of animals

Crows are quite mysterious creatures associated with negativity in ancient times. However, they are very smart, and so will you if you choose a crow. You are quiet, cool and cold. You have darkness lurking inside you, but it’s reserved for your worst enemies. You proceed cautiously in life and do not trust people easily, whether in relationships, work or friendships. You are also too secretive and rarely let others know your thoughts.

6. Wolf

6. Wolf Personality Test Dark personality traits of animals

Dominance is your greatest and darkest trait if the wolf is your chosen animal. You are strong, loyal, and fiercely protective of your loved ones and possessions. You like solitude but are also quite friendly. You have a tight circle of people who know you best. You also tend to procrastinate a bit and wait until the last minute to get things done. You are naturally peaceful, but when provoked or when you have your mind set on something, there’s no length you won’t go to.

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7. Bats

7. Bat personality test Dark personality traits of animals

Image source: Istock

You have an extremely complex personality if you choose a bat. You live with determination and purpose. You have a unique perspective on topics and see the world in a way that no one else does. You live a lonely but fulfilling life. You don’t follow social norms and don’t trust people easily.

8. Black cat

8. Black cat personality test Dark personality traits of animals

Cats have probably inspired more superstitions than any other animal. If you choose a black cat then you are likely to be an introvert and a loner. You like isolation and do not like to mingle with others. You avoid social gatherings because you value your alone time the most. Your greatest strengths are your patience, ability to focus, and organizational skills.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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