Optical illusion: A squirrel is playing hide and seek with us! Can you spot the hidden squirrel?

Find the hidden squirrel!

If you think only bunnies, cats and puppies are ambassadors of cuteness, you may be missing out on a real gem. Don’t believe us?

Let’s take a look at this adorable little guy!


Image source: Adobe Stock

Creatures like these are often overlooked, but those who do pay special attention to the beauty that the Almighty has bestowed upon the earth. Few people take a close look at all the creatures we share this planet with.

Have you ever looked closely at a squirrel? Let us give you a fun fact today!

Squirrels make different noises!

Although you are probably familiar with the cute whispering sound of squirrels, not many of us know that squirrels can make a variety of sounds.

For example, squirrels bark, hiss, buzz, and grunt.

God has given every creature the power of voice to convey messages and protect themselves and their fellow humans from predators. Most commonly, one will hear “Kuks” – sharp barks that warn of immediate threats. Such noises can be heard several times in a row when the squirrel encounters an immediate threat.

Another type of noise made by squirrels is Quaas. Quaa differs from kuk in one simple way – the former is longer than the latter.

Buzzes are another type of sound made by squirrels. These are low amplitude sounds, usually inaudible unless very close. Such sounds are sometimes called muk-muk by researchers. When do squirrels make such noises? Well, such low amplitude sounds are made by baby squirrels when they ask for food. Isn’t it adorable? Imagine a small squirrel making low-amplitude sounds to get food!

Such sounds are also made by male squirrels when they are looking for a mate.

Now that we have entertained you with some information regarding the cute noises made by these adorable creatures, let us tell you what happened to us this morning !


This morning, a small but brave squirrel rushed to our office building, went up to our office in the elevator and rushed in, out of sight of the guard at the door. Next, it stood tall on the center table, grabbed the mic and started singing a song. After successfully attracting our attention, it said loudly: “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!”

From then on, we put aside all our tasks and eagerly went looking for the naughty, hidden squirrel!

Can you help us find it?

Even though the squirrel not only hindered our work but also made us do cardio, the sight of the adorable, mischievous squirrel made it all worth it! Thank you little friend!

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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