Only lie detector can find out who is lying in 9 seconds!

Find Lying Woman in 9 Seconds

Brain Teaser Puzzle: Brain Teaser Puzzle is one of the most popular online games today.

In such challenges, the reader’s critical thinking skills will be tested. The basic premise of the conundrum revolves around an image and a question based on that image.

Readers need to apply reason and logic to solve puzzles.

Practicing brain tests regularly keeps the brain sharp by preventing cognitive decline.

A similar type of puzzle is presented here, in which you need to determine which of the two women is lying.

Ready to test your intelligence level?


Also read: Only the sharpest eyes can spot a tennis ball on the grass in 4 seconds!

Brain Teaser Quiz – Find Who Lies In 9 Seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above depicts a ward scene in which two women can be seen.

The reader must study the course of the story to determine the answer.

The plot of the story is as follows:

A young man was admitted to the hospital after being in an accident and in a coma for 2 days. He wakes up with amnesia. Two women visit the man at the hospital and both ask to be his wife.

The first woman was wearing a red dress and screaming at the man while another woman in a green dress was sobbing and telling the man that they had two children.

Now the challenge is for you to find out which of the two women is lying and you have 9 seconds to solve the tricky puzzle.

Start analyzing the images carefully and see if you can identify which one is lying.

The answer lies in the image itself, you just have to figure it out.

This is a moderate challenge and individuals with high intelligence and attention to detail will solve the puzzle faster than others.

How many of you have solved the puzzle?

Hurry up; There’s not much time left.

Take a look at the photo and study the two women closely. See if you can find clues from the picture.

Last few seconds left.

Three two one…


End time.

Can you solve the puzzle?

Hopefully some of you have found the answer, while most of you may be confused.

Curious to know which of the two is lying and why?

Your wait ends here.

Check out the solution below!

Read more: People with super brains can determine who is left-handed in 8 seconds!

Find Who Lies in 9 Seconds – Solution

The solution to this conundrum is as follows:

Both women lied and the reason was that neither of them had a wedding ring on their finger and the guy didn’t wear a ring either.

That means both of them are lying and that young man is not married to any of them.

What do you think?

Must try: Find a wig maker in 5 seconds. 93% will fail!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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