New Year Parsi 2023: What is the history behind Nowruz celebrations?

Happy Navroz

Parsi New Year 2023: The Parsi New Year, also known as Navroz or Nowroz, marks the beginning of a new day or the first day in the Parsi calendar. The festival is based on the Iranian solar Hijri calendar. This year it falls on August 16.

When is New Year Parsi celebrated in India?

Nowruz is organized by the Parsi community in the Indian subcontinent. It usually falls in July or August according to the Gregorian calendar almost 200 days after the rest of the world because of the Shahenshahi calendar.

This year, the Parsi New Year will begin on August 16, 2023.

What is the history behind the Navroz celebrations?

Nowruz has its roots in the Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism. from Nowruz is a combination of Persian words Currently means new And ruz means day. The United Nations officially recognized “International Nowruz Day” with the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 64/253 in February 2010. It has been observed since the Iranian calendar was changed in the turn of the century. 11 to celebrate the beginning of the Iranian calendar. new year.

According to Britannica, “For the Parsis, Nōrūz (“New Day”) is a celebration that ensures the fulfillment of the prescribed liturgical year: Āfringān, prayers of love or praise; Bāj, prayers honoring yazatas (“those worthy of worship”) or fravashis (“pre-existing souls”); Yasna, a ritual consisting of making offerings and drinking the sacred wine haoma; Fravartigan, or Farokhshi, prayers in memory of the deceased; and Satum, prayers are read at the funeral.”

This festival that fosters optimism and hope is celebrated in countries with important Persian cultures including Iran, Iraq, India, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia.

What is the meaning of Nowruz?

Nowruz is considered one of the world’s oldest major religious festivals. This is a cultural celebration that originated in ancient Persia. The day symbolizes the spring equinox, symbolizing rebirth, renewal and the victory of good over evil. This auspicious occasion is celebrated with large parties, cultural traditions and rituals.

Nowruz also serves as a reminder of compassion among diverse communities, promoting solidarity, optimism and harmony. This day in India is mainly celebrated in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

How is the Parsi New Year celebrated?

The customs and traditions of Nowruz vary from region to region. In India, festivals dating back to the last century focus on family and food. People clean and decorate their homes with flowers and rangoli, wear traditional costumes, and visit temples. The occasion also includes parties with family and friends to forgive the past and pray for love and harmony in the future.

In addition, the spreading of seven objects signifying renewal and spring, known as haft-sin, is an aspect of getting ready for the new year. Sabzeh, a sprouting plant that symbolizes rebirth is a major aspect of Nowruz celebrations.

In a nutshell, Nowruz is a day that promotes peace and harmony between different generations and communities by serving as a timeless celebration of rebirth, solidarity and cultural heritage.

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