National Public Service Day 2023: Top 25+ Inspirational Quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

National Civil Services Day

National Public Service Day 2023: Celebrated on April 21 in India. The civil service is the backbone of a country’s administration. This day is celebrated to pay tribute to all the officers who are engaged in several public institutions and working tirelessly to run the country’s administrative machinery. This day is also a reminder to civil servants working in different departments to serve the people of India above all.

The officers appointed as IAS, IPS and others are those who work at the grassroots level to solve several social problems facing the citizens of the country.

National Civil Services Day commemorates the day when the first Home Minister of Independent India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, addressed the trainees of Administrative Services Officers in 1947 at Metcalf House, Delhi . National Public Service Day was first celebrated on April 21, 1947. On this day, the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration will be awarded. Take a look at some inspirational quotes from Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

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National Public Service Day 2023: Top 21 Inspirational Quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

1. “Nonviolence must be practiced in thought, speech and action. The measure of our nonviolence will be the measure of our success.”

2. “Two ways of building character – cultivating the strength to challenge oppression and enduring hardship to develop courage and awareness.”

3. “My only wish is that India will become a good manufacturing country and no one will have to suffer hunger, thirst, or tears for food in the country.”

4. “The main task before India today is to consolidate itself into a united and closely united power…”

5. “People can follow the path of revolution, but revolution must not shock society. In revolution there is no place for violence.”

6. “Always be united. Move forward with all humility, but be completely alert to the situation you face, claim your rights and be determined.”

7. “Unified human resources are not strength; if not properly harmonized and united, it will become spiritual strength.”

8. “Faith is no evil without strength. Faith and strength are both necessary to the accomplishment of any great work.”

9. “A war based on Satyagraha is always of two types. One is the war we wage against injustice, and the other is the war we fight against weaknesses that we have already conquered.”

10. “The police have the responsibility to maintain the reputation of the Government and protect the honor of citizens. Simply detecting criminals and bringing criminals to justice is not enough. You also have to try to win the hearts of the people.” people…. A police officer or a police officer who loses his temper when handling a situation is not fit to be a member of the police force.”

11. “Work is certainly worship but laughter is life. Anyone who takes life too seriously must prepare himself for a miserable life. Anyone who accepts joy and sadness with equal ease can truly have the best life possible.”

12. “Today we must eliminate distinctions between high and low, rich and poor, class or creed.”

13. “The tougher our opponent, the greater our affection for him. That is the meaning of Satyagraha.”

14. “The first requirement in the country is external and internal security. You cannot have any plan unless there is security.”

15. “There is something unique about this land, which despite many obstacles has always been home to great souls.”

16. “It is the duty of every person to develop a national language or to carry out a service so that throughout India it is accepted without any hesitation or reservation. The vastness of the language Hindi must be as wide as an ocean, in which all the languages ​​of India have their own place. The national language is not that of any province, nor of any community.”

17. “Follow the path of dharma – the path of truth and justice. Do not abuse your courage. Be united. Move forward with all humility, but complete sobriety in the face of the situation you face, demand your rights and be determined.”

18. “We must consider the extent of the action taken, the success or failure achieved… to ensure the final and complete destruction of those subversive forces.”

19. “For the first time we have the right to vote for adults and unless the people exercise or can exercise their right to vote in a suitably intelligent manner, the working of democracy will be difficult and we will We will lose a lot.”

20. “Every Indian citizen must remember that he is an Indian and he has all the rights in this country but has certain obligations.”

21. “There is something unique about this land, which despite many obstacles has always been home to great souls.”

22. “Happiness and suffering are scrolls. Don’t be afraid of death. Join the national force, unite. Give work to the hungry, give food to the wounded, forget about quarrels.”

23. “Young men and women must build strong characters. The greatness of a nation is expressed in its character. If the country is tainted by selfishness, such a nation cannot can prosper or achieve great things. Selfishness has its place in life because everyone must take care of their own needs and those of their family, but that cannot be the be-all and end-all. is the purpose of all life.”

24. “Until you know how to die, there is no use in learning how to kill. India will not benefit from brute force. If India is to benefit it will be through non-violence.”

25. “Nonviolence must be practiced in thought, speech and action. The measure of our nonviolence will be the measure of our success.”

26. “Satyagraha is not a religion for the weak or cowardly.”

27.“If we must fight, we must fight cleanly. Such a fight must wait for a suitable time and conditions and you must be cautious in choosing your location. Fighting against refugees is not fighting at all. There is no law of humanity or war among respectable people that authorizes the killing of those seeking shelter and protection.”

28. “In this country that gained freedom yesterday….no progress can be made unless we first restore order. Furthermore, there are divisions that make our task difficult.”

29. “We must consider the extent of the action taken, the success or failure achieved….to ensure the final and complete destruction of those subversive forces.”

30. “There is nothing to be gained from the loyalty of a cowardly and cowardly mob. However, the brave man who inspired this war has the ability to turn cowards into the bravest.”

31. “The negligence of a few can easily send the ship to the bottom, but it requires the wholehearted cooperation of everyone on board to bring the ship safely to port.”

32. “Your kindness is an obstacle in your path, so let your eyes be bloodshot with anger and try to fight injustice with a steady hand.”

33. “A war based on Satyagraha is always of two types. One is the war we wage against injustice, and the other is the war we fight against our own weaknesses.”

34. “We must stop mutual quarrels, eliminate differences between high and low and develop a sense of equality and abolish untouchability. We must restore the prevailing conditions of Swaraj before British rule. We must live as children of this country.” same father.”

35. “Human resources without unity are not strength; if not properly harmonized and united, it will become spiritual strength.”

36. “Faith is useless without strength. Faith and strength, both are necessary to accomplish any great work.”

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