National Dengue Day 2023: Dengue fever, symptoms, prevention and treatment

What is Dengue Fever?

National Dengue Day 2023: The day is commemorated (May 16) with the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Dengue fever is raging across the country. This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, awareness campaigns, rallies, etc. on dengue fever are not being organized in the country but it can spread online.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India has instituted a day called National Dengue Day to create public awareness about the disease. On this day, the government’s strategy to control the epidemic before it spreads widely will be reviewed along with the steps taken to contain the epidemic.

With more than 100 countries continuing to experience dengue endemicity, it is important for everyone to understand the impact of the disease and take preventative measures to stop its spread. To ensure the public is well informed about the symptoms, causes, and prevention of the disease, the government organizes many public education and disease surveillance activities.

What is dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. It can lead to flu-like illnesses such as high fever accompanied by headaches and severe muscle and joint pain. In recent decades, the incidence of dengue fever has been increasing. Mainly, it occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Let’s read about dengue fever, its symptoms, prevention and treatment.

If dengue fever is mild, it will cause high fever, rash, muscle and joint pain, but if severe, it can cause severe bleeding, sudden drop in blood pressure and death. Severe dengue fever is called dengue hemorrhagic fever. According to the Directorate of National Vector-Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP), India has reported more than 67,000 dengue cases as of October 13, 2019. In the state and union territories of In India, dengue fever is endemic. It is seen that due to floods and the rainy season, rain in some states has increased the number of dengue fever cases. Stagnant water creates conditions for mosquitoes or disease vectors to breed.

What are the symptoms of dengue fever?

In mild cases of dengue fever, almost no signs or symptoms occur in children or adolescents. If symptoms occur, they will last 4 to 7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.

– Headache

– Joint or muscle pain

– Nausea

– Vomiting

– Inflammation

– Pain behind the eyes

– Rash etc

Why are mosquito bites so itchy?

Most people recover within a week or so. But in some cases, symptoms become more severe, become life-threatening and cause severe dengue fever. In this condition, blood vessels are damaged or leaky. Platelets in the blood decrease. When you have severe dengue fever, the symptoms that occur are:

– Severe stomach pain

– Blood in urine, stools or vomit

– Tired

– Jitter

– Shortness of breath

– Bleeding gums or nose

– Bleeding under the skin, etc

How is dengue fever caused?

Dengue fever is caused by four types of dengue virus transmitted by mosquitoes. All viruses are spread by mosquitoes called Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Let us tell you that dengue virus consists of four distinct serotypes (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4). They belong to the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is native to Africa but is also found in tropical regions of the world. When a mosquito is infected with the dengue virus and bites a human, the virus enters the mosquito. When this infected mosquito bites another person, the virus enters that person’s blood.

Let us tell you that after recovering from dengue, you have immunity to the virus that infected you but not to the other 3 dengue viruses .

What is Ebola virus?

How to prevent dengue fever?

According to the World Health Organization, vaccines by themselves are not an effective tool to reduce dengue fever in areas where the disease is common. There is a need to control mosquito populations and human exposure, which is the most important part of prevention efforts. Appropriate clothing can reduce skin exposure. Like wearing socks, wearing long sleeves, etc. Avoiding mosquito bites is also very important.

– Use mosquito repellant.

– Use mosquito traps and nets.

– There must be screens or screens in Windows and Doors.

– Scented soaps and perfumes can attract mosquitoes.

– Timely removal of standing water is essential. Aedes mosquitoes breed in clean and stagnant water.

What is the treatment for dengue fever?

As we know dengue fever is a virus so there is no specific cure or treatment. But intervention may help depending on the severity of the disease.

If dengue fever is mild, some treatments may be helpful such as:

– People with dengue fever will have high fever and vomiting leading to dehydration. Therefore, people should drink clean water instead of tap water. Rehydration salts may also be taken.

Pain relievers such as Tylenol or Paracetamol can help reduce fever.

– Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, etc. should not be used because they can lead to the risk of internal bleeding.

If dengue fever is severe:

– Adding intravenous (IV) fluids may help.

– For patients with severe dehydration, a blood transfusion may be the solution.

– If symptoms become more severe, hospitalization is required.

Dengvaxia® (CYD-TDV) is the first dengue vaccine developed by Sanofi Pasteur and licensed in December 2015. It has now been approved by regulators in about 20 countries.

So, now you may know about dengue fever and its causes, prevention and treatment.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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