National Bird Day 2023: Why do we celebrate National Bird Day on January 5?

National Birds Day 2023

National Bird Day 2023: On January 5, National Bird Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the value of small tweets in the ecosystem. The Poultry Welfare Alliance, which actively works to raise awareness for birds captured or kept in captivity for financial gain or human entertainment, is behind the initiative.

Held annually on January 5, the Poultry Welfare Alliance’s National Bird Day campaign aims to reduce the suffering of birds by raising awareness of the destructive wild bird trade. extermination, the reality of cruel bird breeding facilities and ways to improve the lives of birds in captivity.

– Poultry Welfare Alliance (@AvianWelfare)
December 29, 2022

Why is National Bird Day celebrated on January 5?

National Bird Day, of American origin, has been celebrated annually on January 5 since the inaugural event in 2002.

This special date was chosen because January 5 is also the annual “Christmas Bird Count” day. This annual national holiday has been celebrated in the United States for quite some time. The findings provide insight into both the numbers and condition of bird species across the United States.

Because of their close similarity to dinosaur evolution, birds are considered living relics of the past. They are often keystone species in ecosystems and are indicators of their health and vitality. The Poultry Welfare Alliance established National Bird Day to raise awareness of the hardships and plight of these important animals and the ways in which we can initiate needed change to establish healthier, more sustainable relationships with them.

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What is the importance of National Bird Day?

The 850 species of birds that live in the United States are among the many different bird species honored on National Bird Day. Yes, they all have beaks, wings and feathers. But then, there are notable differences.

National Bird Day falls on the same day as the three-week Christmas Bird Count, the world’s largest citizen science project counting wild birds in the United States.

Climate change, habitat loss, deforestation and other factors that have a devastating impact on life are putting many bird species at risk. These common crimes against birds will be publicly discussed and addressed on National Bird Day.

People from all over the United States participate in this event because raising awareness is one of its main purposes. This shows the day when birds should be treated with the utmost respect. We all have an opportunity on this day to spread the word about bird conservation and how to protect them.

The world’s bird population has a total of more than 9,800 species. An individual cannot see each and every one of them! But on National Bird Day, anyone interested in birds can use the event to get a glimpse of the different bird species found nearby.

List of state birds in India

Some interesting facts about birds

  • No birds have teeth, how do they chew?
  • Birds can communicate effectively by chirping and singing.
  • Birds sing and chirp to attract mates, among other things.
  • The largest eyes of any land mammal are found in the ostrich.
  • Only warm-blooded, feathered vertebrates include birds.
  • A female bird can lay eggs whether she has a mate or not.
  • Being in a flock allows birds to look in multiple directions, which helps maintain alertness.
  • For example, parrots can imitate human speech.
  • Ducks have only one brain and only sleep half at a time. The other half was alert and active.

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You can’t help but enjoy a bird watching session after reading all these interesting facts. Happy National Bird Day!!

See other important dates and dates in January 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion

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