Nagasaki Day 2023: Know about World War 2 bombing and other facts

All About Nagasaki Day 2023

Nagasaki Day 2023: On August 9, 1945, the United States dropped its second nuclear bomb ‘Fat Man’ on the Nagasaki region of Japan just three days after the bombing of Hiroshima. Since then, Nagasaki Day, commonly known as the Nagasaki Peace Memorial, is celebrated on August 9 every year. The anniversary of the terrible atomic bombing of America during World War II.

Nagasaki Day: The Impact of the Bombing

Nagasaki means long-nosed city is the capital and largest city on the island of Kyushu in Japan. And the atomic bombing shook the Japanese people physically, mentally and financially, which further led to the surrender and end of the Second World War. As the History Channel reports, “However, the devastation of Hiroshima did not cause the Japanese to surrender immediately, and on August 9, Major Charles Sweeney flew another B-29 bomber, Bockscar, from Tinian. Thick clouds covered the primary target, Kokura City, pushing Sweeney to the secondary target, Nagasaki, where the “Fat Man” plutonium bomb was dropped at 11:02 a.m. that morning. More powerful than the bomb used in Hiroshima, the bomb weighed nearly 10,000 pounds and was built to produce a 22-kiloton explosion. Nagasaki’s terrain, nestled in narrow valleys between the mountains, reduced the bomb’s effect, limiting the devastation to 2.6 square miles.”

The atomic attack killed 40,000 to 80,000 people instantly, and the death toll eventually skyrocketed for a while due to the effects of radiation exposure. It is believed that the bomb codenamed ‘Fat Man’ was more powerful, complex and larger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day 2023: History, Images and Bombing Facts

Nagasaki Day 2023: Meaning

Every year the Japanese people celebrate Nagasaki Day to remember the lost souls and the bravery of the soldiers. This day serves as a reminder to act towards global peace and disarmament. Various events and ceremonies are held in Nagasaki and different parts of the world to support nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Because it is important to spread awareness in society about the terrible impact of nuclear weapons and reaffirm our resolve to prevent similar disasters in the future.

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Nagasaki Day 2023: The truth about the bombing

  • The Plutonium bomb used in the Nagasaki nuclear attack is known as ‘Fat Man’.
  • The ‘Fat Man’ and ‘Little Boy’ codenames for the nuclear bomb were inspired by John Houston’s 1941 film The Maltese Falcon.
  • The bombing of Nagasaki killed about 20% of the city’s population, that is, about 60,000-80,000 people.
  • Nagasaki was not on the original US list. But it was later replaced by Kyoto because of the love of then-US Secretary of War General Stimson for the ancient Japanese capital.

  • Hibakusha is a popular term used to refer to survivors of a nuclear attack in Japan.

  • A park called the Nagasaki Peace Park was built near the site of the bombing.

  • International discussions about nuclear disarmament and the need to prevent its future use have been aroused since Nagasaki Day.

  • International discussions about nuclear disarmament and the need to prevent its future use have been aroused since Nagasaki Day.

  • The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was drafted in 1968 following the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In a nutshell, Nagasaki Day serves as a reminder of the tragic impact of nuclear weapons and the need to stop using them. The day also highlights the importance of efforts and measures at national and international levels to avoid such risks in the future.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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