Myth or reality: Cold showers and ice baths are beneficial for health

Myth or Reality: Cold Showers and Ice Baths Are Beneficial For Health

Myth or reality: Cryotherapy, the scientific term for cold showers and ice baths, has recently become a popular health trend.

Famous actors, bodybuilders and athletes are actively participating in exercise and flaunting its many health benefits. “A cold shower a day, a day away from the doctor” is the new saying these days.

Cold showers are linked to many health benefits, from reducing recovery time and increasing immunity to curing depression. Today, we examine the veracity of the perceived health benefits of cold showers and ice baths.

Read on to find out whether the idea that cold showers and ice baths are healthy is a myth or fact.

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What are cold baths and ice baths and how to do them?

The use of ice for healing is as old as civilization. Ice is known to preserve food, reduce body swelling and cool the surrounding environment. Hydrotherapy (including cold and hot water) has been used in India, Egypt, China, and many other cultures for naturopathic treatment. But for now, we will just focus on using cold water to improve health.

Bathing or showering, or simply soaking in water below 70°F (21°C), is a form of therapeutic exercise called cold water immersion (CWI) or cold hydrotherapy.

There are many ways to practice cold therapy, such as cold baths, ice baths, winter swimming or simply exposure to the cold in general. This becomes a challenge for people living in tropical countries or during the summer. Cryotherapy chambers and cold saunas have been introduced in such places.

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Q: Is a cold shower as good as a soak?

According to research, cold showers, like immersion in cold water, activate the SNS but not the PNS. That said, showering is good, but not as good as soaking in cold water, if the goal is to increase recovery and reap the health benefits of activating the CNS. 🧵…

— Susanna Søberg, PhD (@SusannaSberg1)
August 18, 2022

Benefits of cold showers and ice baths

  • Reduces inflammation in the body: Cold baths and ice baths reduce inflammation in the body and help relieve conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain, fibromyalgia or asthma.
  • Increased endorphins: The sudden stress of exposure to low temperatures acts as a shock to the nervous system, leading to the injection of endorphins, also known as happy hormones, into the blood. This leads to alertness, calmness, increased energy levels and better sleep.
  • Enhances recovery: Cold showers and ice baths are most popular among athletes because they aid in the recovery and healing process. Taking a cold shower after an intense exercise session improves blood circulation in the body, reduces inflammation and prevents delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
  • Strengthens the immune system: Scientific studies have found that cold showers increase the number of white blood cells in the body. WBC is responsible for fighting infection. Bathing in cold water regularly will increase WBC levels in the blood and speed up metabolism, helping the immune system stay healthy.

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People who regularly take cold showers take 29% fewer days off work.

Read more about the amazing benefits of cold showers:

— World Economic Forum (@wef)
October 2, 2021

What is the science behind the benefits of cold showers and ice baths?

Stress is the main factor behind the success of cold showers and ice baths. Putting the body under the sudden stress of low temperatures will trigger the fight or flight response. It is manifested by dilated pupils, increased heart rate, rapid breathing and trembling.

Hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, testosterone, endorphin and dopamine are injected into the blood. The regular release of these hormones works wonders in improving alertness, recovery, immune system and mood.

Additionally, cold showers and ice baths will maintain high levels of dopamine and noradrenaline in the body for a longer period of time than other similar activities such as walking, exercising, laughing or intercourse.

In short

Based on numerous scientific studies and the satisfaction of participants, it can be concluded that the notion that cold water baths and ice baths are beneficial to health is factual.

Cold showers cause the body to suddenly experience extreme stress, activating fight or flight mode. Hormones such as adrenaline, testosterone, endorphins and dopamine – all of which are proven mood enhancers and potent stimulants – are released into the bloodstream, leading to increased alertness, better recovery, and increased alertness. Strong immunity and improved mood.

Thus, an individual becomes more productive, happier and healthier. However, cold showers and ice baths are not a cure for all ailments. People with weak cardiovascular systems and respiratory problems should avoid cold showers.

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Winter swimming improves general health – PubMed (

The immune system of humans exposed to cold and adapted to cold – PubMed (

Physiological reactions of humans when immersed in water at different temperatures – PubMed (

Health: What are the benefits of bathing in cold water? | World Economic Forum (

Categories: Optical Illusion

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