Myth or reality: Can the left or right brain hemisphere determine personality?

Myth Or Reality: Can The Left Or Right Brain Hemispheres Determine Personality?

Left-brained people are logical and right-brained people are creative is something most people have heard at least once in their lives. People tend to attribute personality traits to two centers of the brain: left and right. People with a dominant left hemisphere, known as left-brainers, are said to be analytical and logical, while people with a dominant right hemisphere, are known as right-brainers , are said to be creative and free-spirited.

This is a common belief exploited by authors, motivational coaches, and even psychologists to identify people’s personality traits. But is this theory correct? And does the brain have one dominant half? Today, we look at the facts and myths surrounding left-brained and right-brained people.

What is left brain and right brain theory?

While it is true that the brain has two halves that serve different purposes, there is no dominant hemisphere. The split brain theory was first proposed by American neurobiologist Roger W. Sperry. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology with David Hunter Hubel and Torsten Nils Wiesel for research on the split brain.

Sperry’s findings still hold true today, except for some hypotheses, such as the connection between personality and brain hemispheres.

In popular culture, some personality traits associated with left-brained and right-brained people are as follows:

Left brain

right brain




Free spirit

Detailed and practical oriented

Follow your heart



Be held


Unfortunately, although these personality traits seem understandable, this theory is outdated. Using modern technology, neuroscientists have proven that the human brain does not favor any side of the brain. Both the left and right parts of the brain control different functions in the body but work in parallel.

They communicate with each other but can also operate independently. However, there is no connection between brain hemispheres and personality. Therefore, the assumption that right-brained people are creative and left-brained people are logical is a myth.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain

The left and right halves of the brain may not play a role in determining personality, but they do have some distinct functions. The right half of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.

No one side is dominant globally; There is no brain function that is exclusive to one side, but sometimes one side takes precedence over the other. Below we have listed some aspects in which a particular side of the brain is more dominant.


The right brain is more active in generating and processing emotional responses.


Language processing and speech production are performed primarily in the left brain. The two main cortical areas responsible for speech, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, are located in the left hemisphere of the brain.

Hand priority

People who are right- or left-handed tend to have differences in their respective brain hemispheres. Their minds work differently but they still use both hemispheres of the brain.

Buy and take home

The human brain is one of the most complex things in the world. Even with today’s advanced technology, scientists still have difficulty fully understanding how the brain works. It would be immature to divide people into two categories based on a theory that has now been proven false. The two halves of the brain may dominate in some situations, but they mostly complement each other.

And in terms of personality, some people are simply more artistic, while others are more logical. Childhood and genes are still the main factors that determine a person’s personality.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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