Math riddles with answers: Math is often misunderstood as boring! These fun math riddles can prove everyone wrong!

Math riddles with answers!

Visit your school again. You will find hallways where you run with your friends only to see the Principal staring at you with a frown at the end. You will find interesting swings in the school garden, which may remind you of the times you fought for the opportunity to play on the swings. You will find the arts and crafts room where the school’s young artists demonstrate their creative talents and create masterpieces. You will see children carrying schoolbags on their backs and the sight will remind you of your school friends. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may find the teachers who taught you are still giving lessons there. You can also find a rush in the canteen to enjoy interesting delicacies. Step into the science lab and the bittersweet smell of chemicals welcomes you to the front door. The biology lab is also a fun place to revisit. You’ll find the remains of dead plants and animals, along with other interesting biological substances to study. Entering your old classroom, the mere sight of the benches will take you down a nostalgic path to your childhood days. But hey, not all school memories will be sweet. Enter a math lab and you will experience a strange feeling of awe.

The fear will be the memory of your math teacher scolding you for getting your homework wrong, not getting a high score on a math test, or not understanding even the slightest bit of a long equation written on the board. The tingling feeling in the stomach is real!

Why does mathematics bring such fear?

Well, that’s the very basic nature of the topic. Unlike literature, mathematics does not have interesting stories that leave a deep impression. It doesn’t address emotions that we can relate to. Unlike science, the subject does not deal with discovery or better understanding of the physical world. Unlike art, this subject does not require one to express one’s inner creativity on paper.

When math lacks all of these, does the subject become more difficult to understand? Yes Yes. Sometimes the numbers can get complicated. And when these numbers are accompanied by an algebraic alphabet, signs, complex symbols, endless equations and theorems, it really becomes confusing.

But hey, that also means math is a boring subject, right? Are you sure! Mathematics involves solving practical problems and answering questions that no other subject can answer. Furthermore, it interacts well with almost any subject. That’s what makes math a special subject.

However, you still doubt the exciting possibilities of mathematics? Well, these fun math puzzles will prove you wrong!

Math puzzle 1:

If 1=3

2 = 3

3= 5

4 = 4

5= 4

7= 5

So what is 6?

Math puzzle 2:

Suzan is 54 years old this year. Her mother is 80 years old. How many years ago was Suzan’s mother her age?

Math puzzle 3:

The two boys were born to the same mother, on the same day, the same month, almost the same hour and the same year, but the two boys are still not twins. How?

Math puzzle 4:

How many feet are in a mile?

Math puzzle 5:

The day before yesterday, Sally was 25 years old. Next year she will be 28 years old. This is only true one day a year. When is Sally’s birthday?

Super excited about the answer? Yes, us too! Let’s dive into the answer now!


Math riddle 1: If 1= 3

2 = 3

3= 5

4 = 4

5= 4

7= 5

So what is 6?


6 = 3.

Because that number has 3 digits.

Math puzzle 2:Suzan is 54 years old. Her mother is 80 years old. How many years ago was Suzan’s mother her age?


41 years ago. Susan is 13 years old. Her mother is 39 years old.

Math puzzle 3:

The two boys were born to the same mother, on the same day, the same month, almost the same hour and the same year, but the two boys are still not twins. How?


The trio was born!

Math puzzle 4:

How many feet are in a mile?



Math puzzle 5:

The day before yesterday, Sally was 25 years old. Next year she will be 28 years old. This is only true one day a year. When is Sally’s birthday?

Answer: December 31.

Are these math puzzles fun? Well, these math quizzes really reflect what math really is as a subject. Math teaches us not to see problems as challenges but to actually pick up a pen and solve these challenges. If there is one message that all math books teach us it is a solution-oriented approach. The human mind is designed in such a way that it can solve problems. This problem-solving approach is what sets humans apart from other creatures, and mathematics helps hone this skill. Mathematics also teaches us to make mistakes. Every mathematical problem requires discovery, and wherever there is discovery, mistakes are bound to happen. Additionally, it is important that a problem can only be solved in one feasible way. Sure, there may be only one correct answer, but there may be multiple methods for solving the same problem. This shows that in life too, there is no “one right way” to live. People may have contrasting approaches to life, but all can be right in their own way. Ultimately, just like math, where the importance lies not only in the correct answer but also in how the solver arrives at the correct answer, life also requires one to focus not only on the destination but also must make efforts on the journey. That’s the magic of math!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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