Math riddles with answers: Many people are stunned because their intelligence cannot solve difficult riddles. Can you solve them?

Math riddles with answers

Puzzles have been an important part of our childhood. When we first learned to read, write, ask questions, and apply logic, our parents and grandparents asked us to come up with engaging yet easy-to-understand puzzles to enhance our logical thinking. As we get a little older, we don’t ask our parents or grandparents to read puzzles out loud, instead, we pick up our favorite children’s magazines and enjoy interesting puzzles. However, as we grow older, the burden of textbooks tears through those exquisitely fun magazines and we forget to try solving puzzles and enhancing our logical thinking abilities. The world of rote learning and the pressure to score high in exams has temporarily shut down our ability to reason logically. Then, as we grew up, we were introduced to a subject called “Math” and we started hating it. The subject is only good until the counting involves counting to 100.

The moment it welcomed symbols, alphabets and theorems, it became extremely complex. That’s when students start to hate this subject.

However, what if we told you that we synthesized both “Math” and “Puzzle” and created this interesting combination?

Presenting some fun yet challenging math puzzles that may make you doubt your intelligence. Here it is!

Difficult math puzzles with answers:

Math puzzle 1:

Is it possible to get to 100 from 52 with just one digit?

Math puzzle 2:

I am a special number. I have a few friends. A quarter of a dozen, and you’ll get your answer.

Math quiz 3: How many 9s do you think there are in 1 and 100?

Are you wondering where the answer is?

: Optical illusion: The kids were playing hide and seek when the dog also joined in. Can you find the hidden dog?


Math puzzle 1:

Is it possible to get to 100 from 52 with just one digit?


Correct. Simply add a multiplication symbol between 50 and 2.

Math puzzle 2:

I am a special number. I have a few friends. A quarter of a dozen, and you’ll get your answer.


Can you guess right? The special number is 3.

Math quiz 3: How many 9s do you think there are in 1 and 100?


There are 20 nines from 1 to 100.

Are these math puzzles super difficult? Oh, are they easy for you? Well, in that case, you’re really smart!

: Optical illusion: Cell phones are not allowed in the exam room! Hey, whose cell phone is beeping? Can you find the hidden cell phone?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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