Mahavir Jayanti 2023 Images, Wishes, Quotes for Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram Status and Stories

Get here Mahavir Jayanti 2023 Wishes, Images and Quotes

Mahavir Jayanti 2023: Mahavir Janma Kalyanak, also known as Sage Vardhamana was the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism. His birthday is celebrated every year by the Jain community as Mahavir Jayanti with great joy and fun. This auspicious event is celebrated according to the Hindu calendar on different dates and usually falls between March and April. This year it is celebrated on April 4.

The Mahavir Jayanti festival celebrates the life and legacy of revered spiritual teacher, Mahavir Janma Kalyanak who propagated the principles of Dharma. He emphasized and preached ahimsa or non-violence; satya, or honesty; asteya, or refraining from theft; brahmacharya, or chastity; and aparigraha (non-attachment) is the greatest human value.

Scroll down these tweets to know How the World is Celebrating Mahavir Jayanti:

Today is a special day, when we remember the noble teachings of Bhagwan Mahavir. He showed the way to build a peaceful, harmonious and prosperous society. Inspired by Him, may we always serve others and also bring a positive difference in the lives of the poor and oppressed.

– Narendra Modi (@narendramodi)
April 4, 2023

Greetings to our compatriots on Mahavir Jayanti.

The three A’s of Ahimsa, Anekanta and Aparigraha in Bhagwan Mahavira’s philosophy can provide answers to many modern day problems.

May the festival strengthen the single commitment to truth, non-violence and fraternity.

– Mallikarjun Kharge (@kharge)
April 4, 2023

Mahavir- revered to this day because he quelled external conflicts by resolving his internal conflicts; he proved that true Liberation lies not in conquering others but in conquering Oneself. -Sg #MahavirJayanti

— Sadhguru (@SadhguruJV)
April 4, 2023

Let us open our hearts, accept the teachings of Bhagwan Mahavir and follow in his footsteps.

Mahavir Jayanti’s best wishes to you all.

– Pralhad Joshi (@JoshiPralhad)
April 4, 2023

I bowed to Bhagwan Mahavir on his Jayanti. His teachings have strengthened the spirit of peace, harmony and non-violence in our society.

At 2 pm today, I will join the ‘Mahavir Jayanti’ celebrations opposite the Red Fort in Delhi.

— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh)
April 4, 2023

On this auspicious occasion of Mahavir Jayanti, let us take a moment to reflect on the teachings of Lord Mahavir and imbibe his message of living a life filled with kindness, compassion and non-violence. Wishing you all a blessed Mahavir Jayanti! #MahavirJayanti #SpiritualWisdom

— Ishant Sharma (@ImIshant)
April 4, 2023

Humble words of gratitude to His Holiness Mahavir on this auspicious occasion #MahavirJayanti. May His teachings of non-violence and truth guide us on the right path towards a peaceful and harmonious society.

– Naveen Patnaik (@Naveen_Odisha)
April 4, 2023

Ask for God’s wisdom #Mahavir guides us to a life of self-control, compassion and non-violence. Delighted #MahavirJayanti!#JainTemple #JainTemplesOfUttarPradesh #UttarPradesh #uptourism #spiritual tourism

– UP Tourism (@uptourismgov)
April 4, 2023

Let us remember the teachings of Lord Mahavir, the founder of Jainism, and strive to live a life of compassion, non-violence and harmony. @HemantSorenJMM

Happy Mahavir Jayanti!#mahavirjayanti #jainism #dedication #mahavira

– Jharkhand Tourism (@VisitJharkhand)
April 4, 2023

Mahavir Jayanti Hello everyone.

Let us all make an effort to imbibe the wonderful principles of Bhagwan Mahavir within ourselves. His message of love, kindness and brotherhood should be an example to us as we strive to live happy lives.

– Ministry of Culture (@MinOfCultureGoI)
April 4, 2023

Mahavir Jayanti 2023: Know the date, history, teachings, meaning, quotes, key events and more

Celebrate the legacy of Sage Vardhamana with your friends and family using the best of Mahavir Jayanti Wishes, Quotes, Facebook & WhatsApp status and more from below.

Mahavir Jayanti 2023 images for wishes and messages

  • Enjoy and bring joy to everyone on this auspicious day of Mahavir Jayanti. Be committed to maintaining equality, harmony and peace.
  • I wish you many blessings from Lord Mahavira who will make your life happy, prosperous and assist you in achieving your goals. Happy Mahavir Jayanti to all of you!
  • The best way to mark such important events is to strive for world peace and deepen fraternal ties. Greetings to Mahavir Jayanti
  • Follow the path of non-violence, honesty, understanding and success. May these sayings of Lord Mahavira enlighten you on the path to prosperity and pleasure.


  • Enjoy this holiday season while remembering the teachings and ideals of Lord Mahavira. May the teachings of lord Mahavira help you walk on the path of truth and honesty.
  • On this auspicious day, choose the path of truth, wisdom and non-violence. Greetings for Mahavir Jayanti.
  • On this important day of Mahavir Jayanti, take a holy oath to promote and support non-violence. Wishing you a very happy Mahavir Jayanti with your family.
  • Let the energy of Mahavir Swami live forever in your heart and illuminate your soul from the inside out. Happy Mahavir Jayanti, my friend.

Mahavir Jayanti 2023: WhatsApp and Facebook Status

  • I hope that Swami Mahavir may grant you a life of non-violence, compassion and kindness on this auspicious day of Mahavir Jayanti. Greetings for Mahavir Jayanti.
  • On this blessed day, let us all pray for peace and harmony. Best wishes on Mahavir Jayanti to everyone.
  • I wish you many blessings from Lord Mahavir who will make your life happy, prosperous and assist you in achieving your goals. Happy Mahavir Jayanti to you and your family.
  • We should treat all living beings with the same respect we would expect of ourselves in both happy and sad situations. Greetings for Mahavir Jayanti.


  • Let the energy of Mahavir Swami live forever in your heart and illuminate your soul from the inside out. Happy Mahavir Jayanti, my friend.
  • The best approach to mark such a fortunate event is to contribute towards World Peace. Remember Lord Mahavira on this Auspicious Day.
  • No opponent exists outside of your soul. Your resentment, arrogance, curves, greed, attachment and hatred are your true enemies. Wishing Mahavir Jayanti to you and your family.

List of Bank Holidays in April 2023

Mahavir Jayanti 2023: Famous and Motivational Quotes

  • “Do not hurt, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture or kill any living thing or being.” – Mahavira
  • “Do not kill, do not cause pain. Non-violence is the greatest religion.” – Lord Mahavira
  • “In happiness and suffering, in joy and sadness, we should regard all living things as we regard ourselves.” – Mahavira
  • “All breathing, existing, living, sentient beings should not be killed, not treated with violence, not abused, not tormented, nor chased away.” – Mahavira,
  • “A man sat on top of a tree in the middle of a burning forest. He saw all living beings perish. But he didn’t realize that the same fate was about to befall him. That man is so stupid.” – Lord Mahavira
  • “Anger breeds more anger.”-Mahavira
  • “Live and let others live; don’t hurt anyone; Life is precious to all living beings.” – Lord Mahavira

In honor of Mahavir Jayanti, a grand procession known as Rath Yatra is conducted. His stavan (religious lessons) and principles were propagated, and the idol of Lord Mahavir was worshiped. The majority of Jain community members perform prayers, pujas, vratas (fasting), and charitable activities throughout the day.

Team Jagran Josh wishes everyone a happy Mahavir Jayanti!!

Important dates in April 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion

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