IQ test math quiz: Guess which number will replace the question mark in 23 seconds.

Math Riddle For IQ Test: Guess Which Number Will Replace The Question Mark In 23 Seconds.

Math puzzles are fun puzzles that require logic and problem-solving skills. They are often used to test students’ knowledge of mathematical concepts.

The answer is often found using deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning.

Math puzzles are great because they force people to think creatively. They also provide a unique opportunity to practice critical thinking.

This math puzzle is designed to test your IQ.

Can you solve it?

Let’s find out.

IQ test math quiz: Guess which number will replace the question mark in 23 seconds.

Take a look at the math puzzle posted below.


Source: Reader’s Digest

Here you can see the different time periods written in the diary. The time slots follow a certain pattern.

However, the last time slot recorded is unclear.

Math Puzzle IQ Test: Can you find the place of 100 in this reasoning-based puzzle?

Can you guess which number will replace the question mark in the last time box?

You must solve this problem in less than 23 seconds.

And your time starts now.

If you are good at math, you can solve this puzzle easily, but if math is not your strong point then you will have to work very hard to find the answer.

All the best!

Surely now you have found the answer.

If you have, congratulations are in order. We know you can do this.

However, we will reveal the answer so you can cross-check your calculations.

These math puzzles about numbers will make you want to go back to school.

Ignore the decimal points and start adding the individual digits of each time slot.

Let’s start with the first slot.

1 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 11

Move to box 2.

1 + 0 + 3 + 8 = 12

Move to the third cell.

1 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 13

Move to the fourth box.

1 + 7 + 3 + 3 = 14

As seen from the above equations, the individual digits of each time slot add up to the sum of the previous time slot plus one.

Following the same pattern, the sum of the individual digits of the last time slot should be 15.

Now, 1 + 9 + 5 + ? = 15

=> ? = 15 – 15

=> ? = 0

Therefore, the digit 0 will replace the question mark in the last time box.

So the last time slot will be 19:50.

Only 3 out of 10 people can solve this math puzzle in 11 seconds

Categories: Optical Illusion

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