International Nurses Day 2023: Date, Theme, History, Significance, etc

International Nurses Day 2023: This day is to thank all nurses for their dedication. Nurses are indispensable in protecting public health. EQUAL Val Saintsbury got it right: “Nurses provide comfort, compassion and care without a prescription.” Let’s read more about International Nurses Day, its theme, history and how it is celebrated.

Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence (Italy) and is known as the founding philosopher of modern nursing. She is also famous by the nickname “The Lady Holding the Lamp”. She was an English nurse, statistician and social reformer, founder and philosopher of modern nursing. During the Crimean War, she was assigned to care for British and Allied soldiers. She spent several hours in the wards and all night she took care of the patients, visited them, all night with a lamp in her hand and so the image was formed of “The Lady with the Lamp”. Due to her efforts to formalize nursing education, the first science-based nursing school, the Nightingale School of Nursing, at St. Thoma in London was opened in 1860. She was also instrumental in organizing the training of midwives and nurses in workhouse infirmaries. Did you know she was the first woman to be awarded the Order of Merit in 1907?

International Nurses Day 2023: Theme

International Nurses Day 2023 will be celebrated with the theme ‘Our Nurses, Our Future’. This global campaign sets out our aspirations for the future of nursing to address global health challenges and improve global health for all. We need to learn lessons from the pandemic and translate these lessons into action for the future.

The theme for 2022 is Nurses: Voice Leadership – Investing in Nursing and respecting rights to ensure global health.

The theme for 2021 is Nurses: Voice of Leadership – A Vision for the Future of Healthcare. The theme focuses on how nursing looks into the future and how the profession will transform the next phase of healthcare.

The theme for 2020 is Nurses: Voice of Leadership – World Health Nursing. The theme focuses on how nurses are playing a vital role in addressing a wide range of health challenges. This day encourages nurses and the public to celebrate this day. It will also provide information and resources for the profession to grow throughout the year and attract new generations into the nursing family.

The theme of 2019 is “Health for everyone”. And the theme of National Nurses Day 2019 is “Nursing: Balance of Mind, Body and Spirit”.

International Nurses Day: History In 1953, Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, contacted President Dwight D. Eisenhower and proposed a “Nurses Day”. . At that time he did not accept her proposal. Since 1965, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) has celebrated this day. Finally, in January 1974, May 12 was officially declared “International Nurses Day” because on this day Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, was born. Every year on this day ICN prepares and distributes the International Nurses Day Kit which includes educational and public information materials that can be used by nurses for the general public. Let us tell you that National Student Nurse Day is celebrated on May 8 since 1998 and National Nurses Week from May 6 to May 12.

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an act of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” – Mother Teresa

International Nurses Day 2023: Learn about the Florence Nightingale Museum

How is International Nurses Day celebrated?

In the US and Canada, the entire week is celebrated as National Nurses Week. Even in Australia there are many nursing ceremonies held. This whole week healthcare services at the international level were targeted. Even the American Nurses Association supports and encourages the celebration and work of Nurses.

Various activities are also organized such as educational seminars, various community events, debates, competitions, discussions, etc. In addition, the nurses are also welcomed by their friends, doctors, managers and patients. Honor and appreciate by giving gifts, flowers, hosting dinners, etc

International Nurses Day: Meaning

Worldwide, we cannot ignore the fact that nursing is the largest healthcare profession in the world and they are key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Several training modules are provided to nurses to maintain the health and well-being of patients. There is no doubt that nurses have extensive knowledge about providing the best healthcare services. Did you know that the National Nurses Association (NNA) plays an important role in encouraging nurses, providing education, adequate information and advice so they can do their jobs? effectively? In addition, NNA cooperates with government and non-government organizations to strengthen the healthcare system.

What is the International Council of Nurses (ICN)?

This is an organization that governs nurses and nursing leaders internationally. They ensure quality nursing care for all and sound health policies worldwide. Every year ICN chooses a theme to celebrate International Nurses Day. Resources and evidence address important issues of the day and highlight the many ways nurses are making an impact.

So, we can say that International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide to increase awareness about nursing as a profession as well as the contribution of nurses towards healthcare. A nurse is someone who meets the local needs of the patient, has the right knowledge on how to properly care for the patient, improves the physical and mental health of the patient, etc.

Nurses play an essential role in our medical facilities like providing safety or helping patients recover etc. There is no doubt that when some patients need care they nurses will work tirelessly to identify and protect that individual’s needs. They have extensive knowledge and a number of skills that they use within an organization for improvement and growth. Most nurses work in harsh environments where extreme stress is part of their job.

World Health Day

Important dates in May 2023


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