International Dance Day 2023: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Meanings, etc

International Dance Day 2023: Celebrated on April 29 globally. This day also marks the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet. Every year since its inception, an outstanding dance personality has been chosen to write a message for International Dance Day. Check out its history, meaning, and some famous quotes, wishes, and messages here.

International Dance Day 2023: History

It was created by the Dance Committee of the International Theater Institute, ITI, UNESCO’s main performing arts partner. This day was established in 1982 and since its inception, both the International Dance Commission and the International Theater Institute (ITI) have chosen an outstanding dance personality to write a message for Dance Day International every year.

International Dance Day 2023: Meaning

This is a day that celebrates those who can appreciate and value the art form of “dance”. This day is also a wake-up call to governments, politicians and organizations that have not recognized its value for the people as well as for each individual. Dancing is also good for your health. It’s a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Dancing helps burn calories, strengthen muscles, improve balance, increase flexibility and also provides good workout results.

READ| International Dance Day 2023: Learn the history, meaning and forms of dance here

International Dance Day 2023: Wishes and messages

1. On the occasion of International Dance Day, I wish you all always dance to your favorite tunes and live in your own way. Happy World Dance Day!

2. The only way to understand change is to jump into it, move with it and join the dance. Happy International Dance Day!

3. No one cares if you’re not good at dancing. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion. Happy International Dance Day!

4. When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being yourself. Happy International Dance Day!

5. Learn how to open your heart and unleash your creativity. There is a light within you. Happy International Dance Day!

6. Dancing is a way to express your emotions and feelings and dancing is also a way for you to enjoy your body…. Wishing you a happy International Dance Day!

7. Dancing is like breathing, like purification… Enjoy it to the fullest and let your emotions flow… Wishing you all a very happy International Dance Day!

8. Dancing helps you find yourself and lose yourself at the same time. Happy International Dance Day!

9. Dance can reveal all the mysteries hidden in music, and at the same time it has the additional value of being human and palpable. Dance is poetry with hands and feet. Happy International Dance Day!

10. Dance like no one is watching you…. Let’s dance like there’s no tomorrow! Happy dance day!

11. I hope you always dance to the music you like and live your life in honor of International Dance Day. Happy International Dance Day.

12. Let your emotions be free to follow your steady steps. Make the most of International Dance Day.

13. Come shake your legs with lots of emotion and chat today. Happy dance day.

14. Shine your dancing shoes, the big day for all dancers is here. It’s World Dance Day

15. A celebration without music and dancing is like a day without sunshine.

International Dance Day 2023: Quote

1. “Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!” – Constanze Mozart

2. “Dancers don’t need wings to fly.” – Unknown

3. “Dancing is the hidden language of the soul.” – Martha Graham

4. “Dancing is poetry with arms and legs.” – Charles Baudelaire

5. “Dancing is about creating a sculpture that can only be seen for a moment.” – Erol Ozan

6. “The feet’s job is walking but their hobby is dancing.” – Amit Kalantri

7. “Dancers are not made of their technique but of their passion.” – Agnes de Mille

8. “The most important thing in the discipline of dance is dedication.” – Merce Cunningham

9. Dance for yourself. If someone understands, that’s good. If not, that’s okay.” – Louis Horst

10. “Dancing is your heartbeat, your heartbeat, your breathing. It is the rhythm of your life. It is manifest in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.” – Jacques d’Amboise

11. “The feet’s job is walking but their hobby is dancing.” – Amit Kalantri

12. “Dancing is your heartbeat, your heartbeat, your breathing. It is the rhythm of your life. It is manifest in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.” – Jacques d’Amboise

13. “Dancing is the perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.” – George Bernard Shaw

14. “Dancing is getting out of yourself. Bigger, more beautiful, stronger… This is the power, this is the glory on earth and it is yours to take” – Agnes De Mille

15. “Jump, if you’re injured. Jump, if you’ve torn the bandage. Jump in the middle of the fight.” […] Dance when you are completely free.” – Jalaluddin Rumi

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