Independence Day 2023: Highlights of Prime Minister Modi’s August 15 speech

All what PM Modi said on Independence Day

Key Highlights of Prime Minister Modi’s Independence Day Speech: The dawn of the 77th Independence Day lit up with the colors of the country’s flag. Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised a tricolor flag at around 7:30 a.m. at the Red Fort. He will match the record of former prime minister Manmohan Singh, who raised the tricolor 10 times in a row. About 1,800 guests from various backgrounds were invited to the Red Fort Independence Day festival today.

Address to the nation on Independence Day.

– Narendra Modi (@narendramodi)
August 15, 2023

Women-led development

The central government will take important steps towards women-led development. He said, “India has the largest number of female pilots, we are empowering 10,000 SHG female… after ‘Bank wali Didi’, ‘Dawai Wali Didi’, we are working on ‘Lakhpati Didi. …”

He said, ‘It’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure no brutality happens to our daughter.’

Regional Language Empowerment

The Indian government is continuously working to empower languages ​​in the region. Prime Minister Modi said in his Independence Day speech: “I thank the venerable Supreme Court for their exceptional contribution by providing effective documents in regional languages.”

“Bharat is also a model of diversity,” said Prime Minister Modi. We are working on the concept of ‘Living Villages’. He expressed his gratitude to all the Sarpanch people from the first (previously last) villages on the Indian border.

Quote from Prime Minister Modi

India develops in 2047

Prime Minister Modi called on the people to support and bless. “It is time for us to get serious about our contributions,” he said. In 2047, India will celebrate 100 years of Independence Day as a developed country. With transparency and holiness, we can certainly become a developed country… we need to fight against the three obstacles of corruption, nepotism and appeasement with all our hearts and minds. soul…”

He continued: “Today, ‘Parivarvaad’ and appeasement have ravaged our country. How can a political party have only one family to lead? For them, their life mantra is- party of the family, by the family and for the family..”

Reform, Implementation and Transformation

Prime Minister Modi said that India ranks 10th in terms of Global Position, while India is currently in the top 3 leading countries in the world. He expressed his belief that India will be in the No. 1 position in the next 5 years.

Vishwakarma’s plan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of Vishwakarma on Vishwakarma Jayanti. He said that the Vishwakarma scheme, with its allocation from ₹13,000 crore to ₹15,000 crore for the scheme, would benefit those with traditional skills. It will include small-scale jewelry manufacturers, laborers and mechanics.

Digital Bharat

The Prime Minister said that during his recent trip to the G20 Summit in Bali, developed nations around the world expressed interest in learning more about the intricate details that make up the success of the summit. Digital India. He stated that young people in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities have access to digital innovation in India, which is not limited to the country’s major cities like Delhi, Mumbai. or Chennai.

Applause for India

On the 77th anniversary of India’s independence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation from the Red Fort, highlighting the nation’s progress and declaring that the rating agencies have now recognized India. .

In his speech, he said: “I am talking about the past 1000 years because I see that the country has a chance again…What we do in this era, the steps we take. and the decisions we make after that will incubate the country’s golden history for the next 1000 years…”

India is the new startup unicorn

About 8 crore new startups were registered. Every startup, big or small, has created jobs for many other people. He added: “I have faith in the power of youth, youth in capacity, and our policies and rituals that empower them. Our youth has made India great. into the world’s first three startup ecosystems,” said Prime Minister Modi. in his Independence Day speech at the Red Fort.

Avas Nidhi Yojana

Prime Minister Modi mentioned Avas Nidhi Yojana in his Independence Day speech. This program will help people living below the poverty line and in illegal colonies build their homes.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech also included various initiatives to help farmers, Manipur, Ayushman Bharat Yojana, OROP etc.

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his speech to the nation from the Red Fort in Delhi, balloons bearing the colors of Tiranga were released, according to the annual ritual.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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