Gopal Kanda was pardoned for aiding the suicide. What is handshake? Understand the law better

What is abetment of suicide?

On July 25, a Delhi court acquitted Gopal Kanda, the former Haryana minister, and his partner Aruna Chadha on charges of aiding the suicide of a former flight attendant. with his airline company, Geetika Sharma. The man said that “just naming the defendant in the suicide note” was actually not enough to force them to commit the crime of abetting.

Geetika is a 23-year-old former flight attendant with Kanada’s MLDR Airlines. She died by suicide at her home in Delhi on August 5, 2012. In her suicide note, she said she came out of the “harassment” of Chadha and Kanda.


Kanda and his associates are accused of abetting the suicide. The allegation is based on messages from the deceased and a phone conversation between Gettika and her mother.

In such conversations, the defendant “made allegations against Geetika’s personality”. The defendant then asked Geetika’s mother to send her to the MLDR office to sign some documents.

What is handshake?

Abetting means aiding a person to commit a crime or commit a crime and participate in a conspiracy. It can also mean intentionally drawing a person in to commit a crime or commit a crime.

In order for any crime to exist or abetting others to commit it, there must be four stages. The first stage states that the crime must be committed by humans. This is quite understandable because crime is a part of humanity, so all crimes are caused by humans.

The second stage of crime is the perception of the crime or the intent to commit it. Knowledge plays a very important role in any crime. An act can only be considered an offense if there is an intention (mens rea) behind it to harm others.

Third, an attempt or execution is necessary to commit a crime. This means that it is not necessary to have the intention to commit a crime to commit a crime. One has to make an effort in the direction of crime.

And then comes the final stage of a crime, which is actually the crime itself. The successful outcome of committing an act with a criminal intent constitutes a crime.

If we talk about abet, it can really take place at any of the four stages mentioned above.

One gets reference to abetting from the law under Section 107-120 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 107 outlines what it means to assist. Abetting refers to instigating, abetting, encouraging or helping to carry out a criminal intent. There are three acts of being abetted, that is, abetting by instigating, abetting by conspiracy and abetting by aid.

Abetting by instigating is right in the event that a person threatens, motivates, induces or encourages the commission of a crime. There may be direct or indirect instigation.

When two or more people participate in a conspiracy and commit a criminal act, it is known as abetting the conspiracy.

Finally, when a person knowingly assists a crime or ignores a legal act, it is called aiding aid. However, this does not include helping the uninformed offender.

What is aiding suicide?

Aiding suicide is covered in section 306 of the IPC. It means forcing someone to commit suicide. To be charged with abetting suicide, there must be a charge of incitement before the committee, whether direct or indirect, of a suicide offense.

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