Good Friday 2023: 10 Interesting Facts about Good Friday and its meaning

Good Friday 2023: Good Friday will fall on April 7 this year. It is observed by Christians to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and is celebrated on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this occasion, people observe a quick visit to the church and remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is also known as Black Friday, Good Friday, Great Friday or Easter Friday.

According to spiritual accounts of Jesus’ Trial at the Sanhedrin, Jesus was probably crucified on a Friday. According to the Bible and the Julian calendar, the approximate year of Good Friday is 33 AD, while Isaac Newton described the difference between the Bible and the Julian calendar and calculated it based on the size of the moon, that The year was actually 34 AD. .

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10 interesting facts about Good Friday

1. The Roman Catholic Church considers Good Friday a day of fasting, while according to the Church’s Latin rite, a full meal is eaten on this day (although less than a regular meal and usually eat fish instead of meat) and two appetizers. (A snack isn’t even twice the size of a full meal). In countries where Good Friday is not a holiday, work usually stops a few hours after 3 p.m.

2. On Good Friday, Christians go to church and remember Jesus. On this day, instead of ringing bells, people make sounds by knocking on wood. People remember God by kissing the cross that symbolizes Jesus Christ. On Good Friday, Christians around the world donate to promote social work in the church.

3. According to the Baltimore Catechism, Good Friday is called a Good Day because Jesus Christ rose from death and gave the message: Hey friend, I am with you forever and my purpose is to do good for you. Good here means HOLY. Therefore, Good Friday is also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday or Great Friday.

4. Various countries such as Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Philippines, Mexico, Venezuela, Caribbean countries, Germany, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where traditions Christianity is strictly observed and Good Friday is celebrated as a public or federal holiday.

5. On Good Friday, some stores in many English-speaking countries will be closed, like Singapore. In addition, some advertisements were also removed from radio and television programs.

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6. Ireland is mainly a Catholic country, where on Good Friday the sale of all alcohol is prohibited. Meanwhile in Germany theater performances and plays, including public dancing, are illegal on Good Friday.

7. In India, on Good Friday, along with the central holiday, all states take a holiday and the stock market is also closed. In some states such as Assam, Goa and Kerala, which have a high Christian population although not a majority, many other businesses remain closed, but in the rest of the country, most Most businesses are open on Good Friday.

8. Eastern Orthodox Christians fast strictly on Good Friday and the following day, while Roman Catholics fast on this day and eat very little food. In some English-speaking countries, hot sweet chapattis are eaten on this day.

9. Kites are flown in Bermuda on Good Friday. Usually these kites are handmade with the help of wood, colored tissue paper, glue and string. The shape and wood of these kites are used as symbols of the cross on which Jesus died. Additionally, the kites flying in the sky symbolize their ascension.

10. In the UK there is no horse racing on Good Friday, although for the first time in 2008, casinos remained open on this day. The BBC for many years broadcast news on Radio 4 at 7am on Good Friday, beginning with a verse from the hymn “When I Survey the Miraculous Cross” by Isaac Watts.

This story is only an English translation of this story. All credit goes to the author who wrote it in Hindi.

Good Friday is “good” because it is the holy day that leads to the Resurrection of Jesus, his victory over sin and death, and the celebration of Easter. All over the world, Christians observe a day of mourning and reflection on the day Jesus Christ was crucified. Christians believe that when Jesus was executed, he sacrificed his life so that everyone could have their sins forgiven.

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