Goblin Mode: Oxford’s Word of the Year 2022. What does it mean? Learn about its origin and context

Oxford’s Word Of The Year  2022

Netizens in 2022 chose the slang term “Goblinism” by public vote, which means a type of behavior that unapologetically rejects any kind of social norms by indulgence themselves, lazy or negligent without expecting to implement the social status quo from themselves.

This word perfectly paints the social scenario of 2022 as people around the world find themselves confused with the uncertainty caused by the forced lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The term “goblin regime,” first appeared on Twitter in 2009 and was widely used in 2022 when the public voted for a “slang term” that symbolized “a type of self-indulgent behavior , inexcusably lazy, negligent or greedy.” , typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations” became the first Oxford word of the year to be chosen.

Over a two-week period, more than 3000,000 English speakers voted on a choice of three words, screened by editors at Oxford University Press, Goblin mode, “Metaverse” and “# IStandWith”.

With 318,956 votes, Goblin mode won. The term “Metaverse” came in second with 14,484 votes and “#IStandWith,” third, with 8,639 votes.

: Gaslighting: Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year, All You Need to Know

Goblin Regime: Origins and Background

From Oxford does a perfect job of expressing this year’s zeitgeist.

A fake headline appeared on Twitter in 2009 claiming that model-actress Julia Fox and her then-partner Kanye West broke up because he “didn’t like it when [she] Go Goblin Mode” and explode in 2022.

Tictokers use the word with the hashtag “#goblin mode” to convey the emotional contrast the current generation feels towards idealized representations of being the best version of a person or type. “it girl/boy” variety.

Reddit threads describe the word as a description of someone who acts like an ogre.

Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford Languages, said: “…Over the past year, ‘Goblin Mode’ has resonated with all of us who are feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment.

It’s a relief to admit that we’re not always the ideal, curated selves we’re encouraged to present on our Instagram and TikTok feeds.

This has been demonstrated by the sharp rise of platforms like BeReal, where users share images of their unedited selves, often capturing moments of self-indulgence in love mode. pure. People are embracing their inner elf, and voters choosing ‘elfocracy’ as their Word of the Year tells us the concept is probably here to stay.”

After the Covid crisis when lockdown restrictions appeared to be easing, we saw the majority of people suffering from the symptoms of “goblin regime”. This word perfectly captures the carefully curated aesthetic of perfection on display on social media.

At the launch event announcing the word of the year, Ben Zimmer, an American linguist and lexicographer, said:

“Goblin Mode really speaks to the times and the zeitgeist, and it is definitely indicative of 2022. People are looking at social norms in new ways. It gives people license to discard social norms and embrace new ones.”

Previous Oxford words of the year include “vax” from 2021, “climate emergency” from 2019 and “toxic” from 2018.

Metaverse and #IStandWith: Runner-up

The term “Metaverse” was first introduced in 1992, mentioned in the science fiction novel Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, published the same year.

Oxford University Press (OUP) describes meta poetry as “a (hypothetical) virtual reality environment in which users interact with avatars of each other and their surroundings in a vivid, sometimes considered a potential extension or replacement for the Internet, World Wide. Web, social networks, etc”

The hashtag #IStandWith has been seen many times and is a keynote of online activism and expressing one’s solidarity with a cause, movement or individual on social media.

First used in the 14th century, this year its prominent use was in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to show solidarity with the besieged nation.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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