GK quiz about American football (Q&A)

GK Quiz On American Football (Questions and Answers)

Soccer is played all over the world, but American Football is different from Soccer played in some countries.

American football is the most popular sport in the country. Its professional league, the NFL (National Football League) is the most successful league in the history of sporting events.

If you are a fan of the game then you must take this American football general knowledge quiz.

1. What is another name for American football?

  1. Football
  2. Football field
  3. Baseball
  4. Rugby

2. When was the first NFL game broadcast?

  1. 1943
  2. 1939
  3. [1945[1945
  4. 1936

3. When did the first Super Bowl take place?

  1. 1957
  2. 1965
  3. 1967
  4. 1948

4. Who is considered the Father of American football?

  1. brave cat
  2. Camp Walter
  3. Walton Payton
  4. Emmitt Smith

5. How many points does a team get for a ‘touchdown’?

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. ten

6. When did “The Greatest Game Ever Played” take place?

  1. 1950
  2. 1954
  3. 1960
  4. 1958

7. How many players are on the field during a typical American Football game?

  1. ten
  2. 11
  3. 13
  4. 9

8. When was the first (unofficial) American football match played?

  1. 1888
  2. 1869
  3. 1876
  4. 1834

9. What was the NFL formerly known as?

  1. National football group
  2. American Professional Football Association
  3. American Professional Football Federation
  4. None of the above

10. Which of the following was the first “professional” American football player?

  1. Pudge Heffelfinger
  2. Pudge little finger
  3. Pudge Browns
  4. Camp Pudge

1. Iron mesh

Rugby and soccer are combined into one in America, borrowing elements from each. This new sport immediately surpassed both sports in popularity and was given the name “Gridiron Soccer”.

2. 1939

On October 22, 1939, the NFL game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Eagles was broadcast on television for the first time.

3. 1967

The first Super Bowl took place on January 15, 1967 in Los Angeles, California.

4. Camp Walter

Walter Chauncey Camp is said to have had the greatest influence on the development of American football. He is known as the ‘Father of American Football’.

5. 6

A touchdown is worth 6 points in an American football game. The winning player/team also has the opportunity to win an extra point or two through conversion.

6. 1958

On December 28, 1958, the NFL championship game between the Baltimore Colts and New York Giants became known as “The Greatest Game Ever Played,” as it was the first NFL game to be eliminated from the Sudden. Death Overtime.

7. 11

In a traditional American football match, 11 players from each team are allowed on the field. The presence of more will result in a penalty.

8. 1869

On November 6, 1869, two college teams, Rutgers and Princeton, played the first football game in America using rules derived from the Football Association at the time.

9. American Professional Football Association

In the 1900s, the American Professional Football Association (APFA) was founded. Two years later, in 1922, APFA changed its name to the NFL (National Football League).

10. Pudge Heffelfinger

Pudge Heffelfinger, former Yale guard, received a huge sum of money from the Allegheny Athletic Association to play against the Pittsburgh Athletic Club and become the first professional football player and lay the foundation for the Union. national football team.

Also read | What is the difference between American football and soccer?

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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