Fracture, reconfiguration and new alliances: the runoff that will forever modify Together for Change

Fracture, reconfiguration and new alliances: the runoff that will forever modify Together for Change

The National Table of Together for Change, in its last meeting and before it was broken due to the pact with Javier MileiThe National Table of Together for Change, in its last meeting and before it was broken due to the pact with Javier Milei

This Sunday will be the last day of Together for Change just as we knew him. Whatever happens at the polls, nothing will be the same for the opposition coalition. The rupture was installed in JxC when Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich They sealed their pact with Javier Milei, in the midst of unusual aggressions between several of its leaders, but the result of the runoff will make the differences irreversible.

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A triumph of the libertarian will lead to a kind of co-government between La Libertad Avanza and the PRO, the first demonstration in power a new right alliance between those parties, and the rest of the JxC partners will remain in the opposition. A victory of Sergio Massa could buckle to the majority of the coalition because the only thing they have in common is a strong anti-Kirchnerist sentiment, although the division will be inexorable when the official candidate catch to leaders of that space for their unity government. Be that as it may, Together for Change will remain reconfigured.

For Bullrich, “Together for Change was a package that was already very destroyed”. Without any hint of self-criticism, the leadership of the space He has not yet assimilated the political catastrophe that lives. The JxC presidential candidate explained that they lost because they divided the opposition’s offer. Other leaders, such as Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Maximiliano Ferrarothey asked sorry to the voters for not having been able to structure a political option solid and competitive. In 2019, the opposition coalition lost to the Frente de Todos, but achieved the 41% of the votes. In 2021, she won with the 42.75%. Now, in the general elections, she finished third with the 23.85% (4 points less than in the STEP).

Mauricio Macri pilots an alliance with Javier Milei that will further break Together for Change (Photo Maximiliano Luna)Mauricio Macri pilots an alliance with Javier Milei that will further break Together for Change (Photo Maximiliano Luna)

In that forced drive which he maintained until the electoral debacle, Macri was the first to differentiate of their peers. The last time she met her peers from the National Table of Together for Change It was April 27, 2022, when it was discussed the incorporation of Milei to the coalition. Curiously, the former president, who until then defended an alliance with the libertarians, discouraged an electoral agreement with the deputy of La Libertad Avanza. “Why are we going to talk about an agreement with Milei if he has no interest in joining and we “We don’t want to add it to him either?”, said.

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He anticipated other leaders who were going to propose exactly the same thing: the day before, Gerardo Morales, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Elisa Carrió they agreed on curb the incorporation of the libertarian and in trying to get “the hawks” they will not speak publicly about that possibility.

Bullrich arrived late to the meeting and participated in the drafting of a statement in which it was warned: “There are actors in political life who seek the breakup of Together for Change, among them Javier Milei, who is not part of JxC and “It tries to break our unity by being functional to the ruling party.” Upon leaving the Hannah Arendt Institute, in a surprising turn, the head of the PRO he questioned the decision to name Milei in the statement: “It is a total error. We define ourselves by ourselves and not by saying no to other actors. On the other hand, I consider that the methodology was not transparent“, he pointed.

Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich, together at the closing of the libertarian campaign in Córdoba (Photo Reuters)Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich, together at the closing of the libertarian campaign in Córdoba (Photo Reuters)

It was the beginning of the end. For now, Macri never participated again of the meetings of the national leadership of Together for Change and only appeared in a video call on November 9. She didn’t say a word. The founder of the PRO preferred lunches with other party leaders, while he gave signs that his link with the UCR and the Civic Coalition was much more than deteriorated.

You may be interested: Milei hopes that the anti-Kirchnerist impetus overcomes distrust of his proposals

The rest of the JxC members couldn’t find a way to either. manage your differences. The symbol of that failure was the writing of a “internal coexistence manual” which was almost never applied. Simultaneously, it was declared fight all or nothing between Bullrich and Larreta for the presidential candidacy. Macri played at being impartial in that fight, but warned that it would not be neutral: that is why he insisted again and again on the slogan “We are the change or we are nothing” as a wink to Bullrich and differed from the dialogical imprint and moderate of the head of government.

The confrontation in the PRO led to countless fightsafter which there were surveys that showed that the JxC brand it went down about 4 or 5 points before every dispute. “People don’t want us to fight,” many leaders admitted while They didn’t stop attacking each other. Some of the most experienced politicians with better advice than anyone else they neglected to the coalition because they were sure that Together for Change was going to return Yes or yes to the power. The poor management of the Government made them think that there were no options and they believed that Milei was not a serious rival. The runoff between the Minister of Economy and the libertarian leader graphed a succession of blunders.

Gerardo Morales and Martín Lousteau, allies in the UCR (Photo Luciano González)Gerardo Morales and Martín Lousteau, allies in the UCR (Photo Luciano González)

If Milei wins, the brand new Mileista-Macrista-Bullrichista alliance will detonate the break in the Chamber of Deputies: since December 10, as anticipated Infobae, La Libertad Avanza will have a block of 38 legislators and thanks to the agreement reached with the PRO leaders it would add between 30 and 35 more deputies. This new group of “hawks” and “lions” would hover around the 70 seats.

On the other hand, the deputies of the moderate sector plan to put together a sub-block in JxC to resist the advance of its internal adversaries: the initiative is piloted by Emilio Monzó, the “anti-rift” leader who, together with his ally Nicolas Massot, from the PRO, they want to be away from Milei (and get closer to Massa?). They say there are at least 10 legislators and they count as partners to the deputies who respond to the governors of JxC. However, Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos) and Ignacio Torres (Chubut), elected leaders of the PRO, seek to put together a own pole of power with other governors. They are seen as unavoidable axes of recomposition opposition, legitimized by the votes, seeking to maintain autonomy of the Casa Rosada: the need to manage their provinces forces them to pragmatism.

The scene of a Massa victory would freeze the legislative fracture: several JxC legislators they will wait First of all, some signal from the leader of the Renewal Front to join the unity government. Larreta He didn’t have any offers. massista to go to his eventual national cabinet, but he talked about the subject with some political friends. One advised him will accept a possible proposal to become a minister: “Your strength is management and you have to reinvent yourself from that place.” The mayor of Buenos Aires does not want and he anticipated it to his intimates. The negative image of him has grown since the defeat in the PASO, but they assure that he is clear that it will be a lot worse if he ends up hugging Massa. Especially if this does not first produce some forceful gesture to get rid of to Kirchnerism.

The governors of Together for Change will be the new pole of power in the oppositionThe governors of Together for Change will be the new pole of power in the opposition

When Macri almost he blamed her of JxC’s electoral setback, accusing him of having obscured the opposition with his dialogic style, Larreta had decided answer him with extreme harshness. It didn’t happen because he answered the former president first. Gerardo Morales. The head of government did not want enlarge the opposition crack. Think about launching a own line in the PRO to give the internal debate, while looking for offices to install a Foundation with which he will try to rebuild his power.

Maria Eugenia Vidal is on the same page: “Whoever wins, I will be in the opposition,” the former governor assured her entourage. She is also in favor of sponsoring a discussion in the PRO about how to build a majority to return to the government. For that reason it does not rule out contest the presidency of the party when Bullrich’s mandate expires, in February 2024, although he is not interested in leading it if the majority is inclined to ally itself with Milei. “But that option is not a majority in the PRO”, he warned.

Diego Santilli its internal shares rose. Macri pardoned him after he jumped into Bullrich’s campaign despite his defeat in the PASO against Nestor Grindetti and that is why he invited him to join the secret meeting he had with Milei at his house in Acassuso. That gesture, furthermore, seemed like a challenging message to Larreta that he was taking away an ally. Although he remains a friend of the head of Government, “El Colo” is autonomous. He approached Jorge Macri, the new strong man of the PRO after his Buenos Aires victory, and, without announcing his vote, he gave Milei his inspection structure.

Elisa Carrió and Maximiliano FerraroElisa Carrió and Maximiliano Ferraro

For the UCR, The challenge ahead is enormous. Morales is headed to a agreement with Massa, although he does not make it explicit, while he prepares to leave his internal ally Martin Lousteau the presidency of the National Committee next December. Are two declared enemies by Milei. And, as anticipated Infobaeare faced with radical governors, elected and in office, such as Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Gustavo Valdes (Currents) and Leandro Zdero (Chaco), who could dispute the Morales-Lousteau axis for the party leadership and the conduct of the legislative blocks.

When Elisa Carrió returns from her “mini-exile” in Uruguay to not vote for Milei or Massa, the Civic Coalition He will try to “do everything in his power to preserve the unity of JxC based on principles, values ​​and, above all, with identity,” as Ferraro, the head of the party, said. And he added: “Society put us in a place: be opposition; we must accept it and represent it with humility.”

After the ballot Nothing will be the same for the opposition coalition. Win Milei or Massa, a part of Together for Change will be back in power without a president of his own. It is not clear whether it will preserve your identity and your values in this reconfiguration that is emerging. According to the national senator Luis Judge, this Sunday “you have to choose between Frankenstein and Dracula.” As if it were a horror movie, JxC became more immobilized than The Mummy and will seek to rebuild herself so as not to end up howling in solitude like the Wolfman. They are the paradoxes of a monstrous era for voters who they believed in its leaders and in its proposals.

Together for ChangeMauricio MacriPatricia BullrichHoracio Rodríguez LarretaMaría Eugenia VidalGerardo MoralesElisa CarrióPROUCRCivic CoalitionJavier MileiSergio MassaBallot 2023Elections 2023Elections 2023 ArgentinaLatest news

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