Find the mistake: Can you find the mistake in the clock tower picture in 7 seconds?

Find errors: Error finding activity The activity presents a picture with intentional errors, the reader’s task is to point out the errors in the picture and solve the puzzle.

Making this challenge more interesting and competitive is the criterion to determine the subjects within the allotted time.

Such challenges stimulate the visual cortex and engage the right and left hemispheres of the brain, enhancing observation skills, attention span, creativity and critical thinking.

Regular practice of such challenges can be highly beneficial in preventing cognitive decline in adults.

Do you have really sharp eyes and great attention to detail?

Let’s find out.

Find errors: Only people with high IQ can find errors in numbers in 8 seconds!

Find errors in the clock tower picture in 7 seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above depicts a sunset with a clock tower containing two clocks on either side.

There is a mistake in the picture and your task is to find the mistake in that picture in 7 seconds.

Take a close look at the images and see if you can find the error within the time limit.

These types of challenges give your brain a balanced exercise by using your analytical and logical thinking to solve problems.

The key to solving such challenges is attention, common sense and a keen eye for detail.

People with high attention span can spot errors in photos faster than others.

Hurry up; Time is running out.

Let’s focus on the image again and see if you can quickly identify the error.

Can you find the mistake?

Last few seconds left.


The deadline has expired.

How many of you can identify the errors in the painting within the allotted time?

Congratulations to those who found the mistake. You have a brilliant mind and exceptional observation skills.

Those who cannot find the error can stop looking.

Curious to know what the error is?

Then see the solution below.

If you find a diamond in this viral optical illusion within 9 seconds, you have the IQ of Sherlock Holmes!

Find errors in the clock tower image in 7 seconds – Answer

The image depicting the sun setting means it is evening but the clock is showing the time as 2 o’clock, which is incorrect. So the error in the picture is in the clock.


Recommended reading:

Optical illusion: You have hawk eyes if you can find the maskless man in 6 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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