Fact or fiction: Running barefoot is better for your health

Fact or Fiction: Barefoot Running Is Better For Your Health

Fact or fiction: One of the biggest health trends today is running barefoot. The practice has attracted interest in recent years due to its perceived health benefits. From famous athletes and influencers to famous actors, barefoot running has caught everyone’s attention.

Barefoot running is also part of a classic and organically promoting lifestyle. Proponents of barefoot running often claim that our ancestors ran long distances without protective shoes and that that was the only correct way to run.

There have been many scientific studies on barefoot running. On that note, we bring you this fact or fiction article about running barefoot. Read on to find out if barefoot running is actually better for your health than regular running or if it’s just a health fad.

Barefoot running: Definition and history

Throughout human history, people have survived through migration. Ancient humans walked long distances to escape predators, carry messages, or for sport. Endurance running is one of the basic human characteristics. And most running is done barefoot.

In Greek legend, it is believed that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, ran from Athens to Sparta in less than 36 hours barefoot. Many tribes in South America and Africa still run barefoot. It is also preferred by some high-level athletes and long-distance runners, such as Olympic gold medalist Abebe Bikila, Bruce Tulloh and India’s Shivnath Singh.

Running barefoot: Pros and cons

There have been a number of studies and tests on barefoot running. To date, the results have been inconclusive in determining whether running barefoot is better than running in shoes (with shoes). However, both types of running have some advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of running barefoot

  • Strengthens gait and feet
  • Helps treat flat feet
  • Reduces common foot injuries in the long term
  • Improve posture and running technique
  • Enhanced operating economics

Disadvantages of running barefoot

  • Does not protect feet
  • Increased risk of stress fractures and Achilles tendonitis
  • Increased risk of blisters and infection
  • Speeds up the natural wear and tear of bones

Is running barefoot good for health?

When runners walk barefoot, they tend to take shorter strides and land on the balls of their feet. Running barefoot also causes people to be careful and wary of their technique due to the initial discomfort. If you are new to running without shoes, it will initially hurt, so most runners return to running shoes or running with proper form, eventually developing better posture, gait and performance. . Barefoot running also increases tendon and muscle strength and prevents long-term overuse injuries.

Should you run barefoot?

The advantages of running barefoot outweigh the disadvantages, so it can be said that running barefoot is good for health is a fact. However, this does not mean that regular jogging or poor quality jogging is bad. People with poor mobility and weak legs should not run barefoot. And patients with diabetes and neuropathy should not do the same.

Running barefoot is also an energy-consuming and stressful process, which should only be done with caution. Studies also show that running barefoot is not as effective as sprinting in shoes. For runners who are skeptical but want to run barefoot, you can consider wearing barefoot shoes. These shoes make you feel like your feet are touching the ground with every stride but also provide just the right amount of comfort and foot protection. Experts recommend a combination of running barefoot and running with shoes for optimal running performance.

In short

Our ancestors did not have protective shoes, nor did they run on hard concrete surfaces. They run barefoot not because it is beneficial but because it is necessary and convenient. With the advent of modern footwear, which protects feet from bacteria, nails and other harmful objects, running barefoot does not bring many benefits. However, this is definitely a healthier way to run and fitness enthusiasts should definitely give it a try.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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