Explain: What is the new Personal Data Protection Bill of 2023?

The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2023 also known as the DP Bill is a proposed law that calls for the regulation of the protection of personal data in India.

The bill states: “The purpose of this Act is to regulate the processing of digital personal data in a manner that recognizes both the right of individuals to protect their personal data and the need to process personal data for lawful purposes and for related matters or random.”

The Bill was passed by the Union Cabinet on 5 July 2023 and will be presented to Parliament on 3 August 2023.

The bill was presented to the public in November 2022 for comments and various experts have proposed various changes. However, not many changes are revised in the new draft.

What is the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill?

➡️ #DPDPBill introduced in #Congress is a very important milestone in PM @narendramodi ji’s vision for India’s $1 trillion Global Standard Network Law #Digital Economy & #IndiaTechade

➡️ @GoI_MeitY developed this bill after… pic.twitter.com/a8tHXJl537

— Rajeev Chandrasekhar (@Rajeev_GoI)
August 3, 2023

What is the applicability of this Measure?

This measure applies to all data in digital form whether it is collected online or offline. Furthermore, this bill also applies to digital data collected outside of India but used to provide goods and services to individuals in India.

The draft bill states: “The provisions of this Act shall apply to the processing of digital personal data within the territory of India when:

(a) such personal data is collected online from the Data Guidelines; And

(b) such personal data is collected offline, digitized.”

“The provisions of this Act shall also apply to the processing of digital personal data outside of the territory of India, if such processing is related to any records or provision of goods. goods or services to the Head of Data in the territory of India,” it added.

The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill excludes the following categories from its provisions:

(a) non-automatic processing of personal data;

(b) offline personal data;

(c) personal data processed by an individual for any personal or domestic activity

purpose; And

(d) personal data about an individual is kept on file for at least 100 years.”

This measure also reserves the right of individuals where personal data may be used only after consent.

The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill of 2023 (DP Bill) reserves the right to control the personal data of individuals. The bill states that personal data can only be used after consent unless an exception applies.

The draft mentions: “Data Principal Consent means any indication given freely, specifically, informed and unambiguous of the Data Principal’s wishes by which,

a clear affirmative act, indicating consent to the processing of her personal data

for the intended purpose.”

“For purposes of this subsection, “specific purpose” means purpose

mentioned in the notice sent by the Data Trustee to the Data Trustee in

in accordance with the provisions of this Law.”

In conclusion, the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill of 2023 could be an important piece of legislation that will have a major impact on how personal data is handled in India. The bill is designed to protect the privacy of individuals and give them control over their personal information.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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