English Speaking Countries in Africa 2023 – Top 10 List

English speaking countries in Africa 2023

Ethnologue estimates that around 2,000 languages ​​are spoken in Africa, highlighting the multilingual nature of the continent. Africa is believed to be the birthplace of some of the earliest writing systems and a variety of scripts are still used there. Recently, there has been increasing awareness of linguistic diversity in Africa and language policies are now being developed to promote multilingualism. Africa is the second largest continent in the world in terms of area and population, with 1.34 billion people, representing around 16% of the world’s population. Of this number, approximately 6.5 million people speak and understand English. Like Asia, the African continent was subject to colonialism, which caused linguistic and cultural changes. Many countries in Africa continue to use the languages ​​left behind by their colonial rulers, and English and French are widely used in education, business, and the judiciary.

Top 10 English Speaking Countries in Africa


English-speaking countries in Africa




South Africa


















Ranking first on the list of African countries where people speak English best, Uganda has a diverse landscape and a population of 45 million, of which around 29 million are fluent in English. Since gaining independence in 1962, this multilingual African nation has recognized English as its official language, in addition to its 43 living languages. Subsequently, Swahili was also adopted as a second official language. Although Luganda has now replaced English as the official language of Uganda, English is still widely spoken by many Ugandans.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

2. South Africa

This country, located in southern Africa, ranks second on the list of the best English-speaking countries on the continent. With 11 official languages ​​and other languages ​​commonly spoken in the region, such as Afrikaans and Isizulu, South Africa’s linguistic diversity is enormous. Approximately 4.8 million South Africans speak English as their first language, representing around 9.6% of the total population. While English is the sixth most spoken language in the country, it is the second most prevalent language outside the home.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list


Nigeria, ranked as the third best English-speaking country in Africa, has a population of 206 million people, of whom 79 million are fluent in English. This represents around 53% of the total population. Nigerian English, also known as Nigerian Standard English, serves as the language of politics and formal communication, while Nigerian Pidgin, which is derived from English, is used for informal communication. English is recognized as the official language of Nigeria, while Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Fula and Creole English are also widely spoken. Additionally, many of Nigeria’s languages ​​have a written form.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

4. Kenya

The fourth best English-speaking country in Africa is this East African nation, which has a population of 54 million and a variety of ethnic groups that speak their own languages. However, English is the official language of Kenya and around 2.7 million Kenyans speak and understand English. This dominance of English can be attributed to British rule in the late 19th century, which left a lasting legacy and a significant English-speaking population. The English language is the medium of education in Kenyan schools. Although Swahili and English are the main languages ​​spoken in the region, there are also numerous indigenous languages ​​that have existed for centuries.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list


Located in the south-central region of Africa, Zambia has a population of 18 million people and English is the country’s official language. Zambia is home to several indigenous languages, almost all of which belong to the Bantu language family. For business and official correspondence in the area, English is the language of choice. Apart from English, the main local language is Nyanja. With over 70 different languages ​​and dialects in Zambia, almost everyone can speak or understand the English language, and those residing in urban areas can speak it fluently.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

6. Botswana

Botswana, another landlocked country, is located in the southern region of Africa. Although more people speak Setswana, English is the country’s official language. With an estimated population of 2 million, around 2.8% of the population speaks English. English serves as the language of academic and business correspondence in Botswana and is also used in formal communication. Botswana has 31 living languages, all of which are used by the local population.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 listEnglish-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

7. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is the seventh best English-speaking country in Africa, with a population of 14.8 million. Although only 5% of the total population speaks English as their mother tongue, almost 89% of the total population can speak it fluently, which is the second largest number of speakers after Seychelles (93%) among African countries. English is the country’s lingua franca, while the main language is Shona, spoken by 70% of the population.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

8. Malawi

Malawi, located in southeastern Africa, has a population of 19 million. Although English is the official language of the country, only 26% of the population knows how to speak it. Chichewa is the national language of Malawi and is spoken by 57% of the population. Other prominent languages ​​in the region include Chinyanja, Chiyao and Chitumbuka.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

9. Ghana

Ghana, located in West Africa, is ranked ninth in the list of English-speaking countries in Africa. The country has a population of 31 million and English is both the official language and the lingua franca. Although approximately 11 languages ​​are spoken in Ghana, English is the language of formal and business communication. The reason English is the official language is a result of British colonialism in the region. Because of this, the English spoken in Ghana often has a strong pidgin influence, which can confuse visitors. However, English is still widely spoken in Ghana along with other local languages.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

10. Rwanda

Rwanda, a small country located in Central Africa, has a population of 13 million people. Only 0.2% of the population speaks English, making it the country’s third official language after Kinyarwanda and Swahili. Although English is used in business communication, Kinyarwanda remains the most widely spoken national language in the region.

English-speaking countries in Africa 2023: top 10 list

What countries speak English in Africa?

Uganda is one of the English speaking countries in Africa. English is the official language of the country and is widely spoken, especially in urban areas. In addition to English, Swahili is also widely spoken in Uganda. However, the most widely spoken local languages ​​in the country are Luganda, Runyankore-Rukiga and Ateso. Uganda is a landlocked country located in East Africa, bordered by Kenya to the east, South Sudan to the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, Rwanda to the southwest, and Tanzania to the south. A substantial part of Lake Victoria, shared with Kenya and Tanzania, lies in the southern part of the country. Uganda is part of the African Great Lakes region and lies within the Nile basin, with a generally modified equatorial climate. The country has a population of approximately 49.6 million, and the capital and largest city, Kampala, is home to 8.5 million people.

Why do so many African countries speak English?

English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and has been used as a language in international business, diplomacy and education for many years. Many African countries were colonized by the British or other European powers in the past and as a result, English was introduced as an official language during this time. Even after gaining independence, many African countries have continued to use English as a medium of communication both nationally and internationally.


African nations are increasingly emphasizing English learning programs as a means of growth and opportunity. As more countries adopt the UNDP Millennium Development Goals, the need for qualified English resources, tools and instructors for teaching and learning English is expected to increase. Despite this, some African countries have already been identified as the main English-speaking countries on the continent.

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Categories: Top 10 News
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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