Dubai’s metaverse strategy- EXPLAINED. Will it boost the digital economy?

Dubai Metaverse Insider

The new phase of Dubai’s Metaverse Strategy has been approved by the Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai’s High Committee for Future Technology Development and Digital Economy, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The strategy is expected to strengthen the digital economy, along with implementing measures that will make it easier to use new technologies and future superspaces.

The strategy was launched a few months ago in July 2022.

It seems that Sheikh Hamdan is convinced by the Commission’s vision. “Through this Commission, we seek to develop a new model for developing future science and technology with a particular focus on digital technology and metadata as part of a broader strategy more to drive digital growth and innovation and achieve the goals of the Dubai Metaverse Strategy,” he said.

Metaverse- EXPLAINED!

Have you ever wondered where the word “metaverse” is used? Neal Stephenson, a famous science fiction author, first used the term in 1992.

Metaverse is an upcoming version of the Internet focused on social connection. The future digital world will allow people to use their digital avatars and enter a virtual version of reality.

It is nothing but a digital stimulation of the real world. It creates space for enhanced user interaction using social media, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and blockchain concepts.

The goal of Dubai Metaverse Strategy!

The Dubai Metaverse Strategy aims to build the Emirate into a global hub dedicated to the metaverse community and one of the ten best metaverse economies worldwide.

It focuses on leveraging Dubai’s success in attracting around 1,000 blockchain and metaverse businesses.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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