Does Russia want tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus? Why?

Does Russia want tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus? Why so?

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. This appears to be another attempt to increase the risks in the Ukraine conflict.

The move came after Putin warned that Moscow was ready to use “all available means” to counter attacks on Russian territory, referring to its nuclear arsenal.

Putin explained

Putin explained by saying that President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus asked Moscow to deploy nuclear weapons in his country. The country has strong military ties with Russia and was the base complex for the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Russia has previously supported the modernization of Belarusian fighter jets to enable them to carry nuclear weapons.

Putin said the reason for immediately sending Russian tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus was actually the British government’s decision to supply Ukraine with armor-piercing ammunition that depletes uranium. Putin initially falsely claimed that bullets like these contained nuclear components. However, Putin emphasized that they pose an additional threat to civilians. Furthermore, they can also pollute the environment.

Putin also stated that with the deployment of tactical weapons in Belarus, Russia will not do anything different from what the US has been doing for decades by deploying nuclear weapons in countries such as Italy, Germany, Netherlands Lan, Turkey and Belgium. He stated that Russia’s move in no way violates the international treaty prohibiting the proliferation of nuclear weapons, despite Moscow accusing Washington of placing them on the territory of NATO allies, thereby violating the treaty.

However, Putin and Xi Jinping (President of China) issued a statement after their talks in the Kremlin on the deployment of atomic weapons outside their territories by nuclear powers. Putin’s move. However, go against this statement.

Learn about tactical nuclear weapons

Tactical nuclear weapons are designed in such a way that they are capable of destroying enemy weapons and troops on the battlefield. These nuclear weapons do not have a long range and have a relatively lower efficiency than nuclear warheads mounted on long-range strategic missiles and are capable of wiping out entire cities.

While strategic weapons are subject to arms control agreements signed between Washington and Moscow, tactical weapons are not restricted by any such treaty.

On the one hand, Russia does not disclose their numbers or anything else regarding them, the US government believes that Russia holds about 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons. According to the US government, these weapons include bombs that can be carried by aircraft, artillery shells and short-range missile warheads.

Another difference between strategic nuclear weapons and tactical nuclear weapons is that, unlike submarine-equipped strategic nuclear weapons or land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, In preparation for launch, tactical nuclear weapons are actually stored at the highest level. protected storage facility in Russia. It took a lot of time to deliver these to combat units.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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