Do you have eagle eyes? See if you can find 2 errors in 5 seconds

Find Two Mistakes in 5 Seconds

Find mistakes: The game of finding errors in a picture is gradually becoming popular on the internet. In this game, the reader is shown an image with an intentional error and the reader must detect the error within a period of time.

When the human mind encounters a problem like this, the visual cortex and the right and left hemispheres of the brain will be activated.

This helps provide the brain with the necessary exercise and also enhances creativity and problem-solving skills.

Furthermore, regularly practicing such exercises also helps improve brain capacity and increase memory retention. In addition, it also prevents cognitive decline in the elderly.

Ready to test yourself?


Read more: Find IQ test errors: Can you find the error in the picture in 3 seconds?

Find the error in the picture in 5 seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above is a scene of two guys sitting on a sofa playing online games.

At first glance, nothing seems to go wrong.

But in the picture there are some errors and the reader has to recognize the error in 5 seconds.

The time limit is a limitation that makes this challenge more competitive.

Take a close look at the image and see if you can find any errors in the picture.

Those with a keen eye for detail will be the first to spot errors.

The best thing about such types of challenges is that they stimulate the brain, thereby improving memory and attention.

Hurry up; Time is running out.

Have you identified the error in the picture?

Focus on the image and see if you can spot the mistake before time runs out.

Take a deep breath and use your excellent observation skills and attention to detail to spot errors.

If you look closely at the image you will easily see the error.


Every now and then.

Congratulations to those who found the mistake.

You have excellent observation skills.

Some of you may still be looking for mistakes.

No need to look no further.

Check out the answers below.

Read more: You have extremely sharp eyes if you can spot 3 differences in 11 seconds!

Find errors in images in 5 seconds – Solution

The mistake in the picture is that the boy on the right is wearing the hoodie incorrectly, and the boy on the left is holding the game controller incorrectly.


Must try: Can you spot a dog in this sensational optical illusion in 7 seconds?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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