Difference between Cheetah, Leopard, Lion & Tiger

Differences between Cheetah, Lion, Tiger and Leopard

New mammal in town! As part of the reintroduction of Animals in India, the second batch of 12 South African Cheetahs is ready to land in India on February 18. Previously, eight leopards were brought to India from South Africa. Prime Minister Narendra Modi released these leopards in Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh. Among the 8 leopards, there are 5 females and 3 males.

Are you confused between Cheetahs and Leopards or do you find them similar? Well, Cheetah, Lion, Tiger and Leopards all belong to the cat family but have different eating habits, hunting styles, appearances etc. Whether you are a wildlife enthusiast or simply curious about natural world, this article will provide a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics that make each of these big cats so fascinating.

The list of differences between Cheetah, Lion, Tiger and Leopards is as follows:


Status: Vulnerable

Scientific name: Acinonyx Jubatus


Cheetahs are large cats native to Africa and central Iran. It gets its name from the Hindi word ‘chita’ which means spot. Famous as the fastest land animal, it is capable of running at speeds of 80 to 128 km/h. The cheetah’s physical features include a light body, elongated legs, and a long tail. Some interesting facts about cheetahs are:

  • At full speed, the cheetah takes three steps per second, each seven meters long. The reason cheetahs are always tired is because they only spend 12% of their time working hard during the day.
  • Cheetahs can accelerate faster than most sports cars. Their bodies are designed so that each part supports movement, like the claws that act like studs on football boots to add grip when sprinting, while the long, muscular tail Their rudder acts as a rudder, helping them make sharp turns.
  • The spotted patterns are unique to each cat and also provide camouflage when hunting. However, not all cheetahs have been spotted.
  • The cheetah, the sacred symbol of royalty, has a wonderful social life. Male members of the group form an alliance while female members raise their children alone.
  • Big cats mainly hunt during the day, not growling but only growling, chirping, hissing and growling.


Conservation status: Vulnerable

Scientific name: Panthera Leo


The lion is a large cat belonging to the genus Panthera, with a muscular body, broad chest, short, round head, round ears and a tuft of fur at the end of the tail. Considered the most dangerous animal in the forest, lions have the power to hunt any large animal, such as buffalo. Lions can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh up to 250 kg. List of other facts about lions that are also lions are:

  • Lions are born with spots, which disappear as they grow older.
  • Male lions mature to impress female lions. These manes also protect lions from head and neck injuries.
  • Lions are highly adaptable and can also live in deserts, and can also meet their water needs from prey and plants.
  • The largest eater in the forest can digest up to 40 kg of meat.
  • Lions hunt mainly during the day, but they also hunt more during storms because the wind makes it harder for their prey to see and hear them.
  • The entire family of big cats roared together, the series of calls lasting for 40 seconds.


Conservation status: Not extinct

Scientific name: Panthera Pardus


Leopards are stronger than cheetahs. This is one of five extant species in the family Felidae. The mostly solitary animals have large territories, reach a maximum length of 6.2 feet, and can run at speeds of 38 miles per hour. These minimally sized night hunters are afraid of being attacked by lions and tigers. Skim below to know more about Leopards:

  • The spots on leopards are called “roses” because their shape resembles a rose. There are also black leopards, whose spots are difficult to see because of their dark color.
  • Leopards have their own territories and they leave scratches on trees, urine and feces to warn other leopards.
  • Each cat has a different taste bud. They eat bugs, fish, antelopes, monkeys, rodents, deer or any other prey available.
  • Leopards are skilled climbers and like to rest on tree branches. This powerful beast can also carry heavy prey up trees so that other animals don’t mind.
  • Female leopards can breed at any time of the year. In addition, they give birth to two or three cubs at a time.
  • Leopards have distinct calls at different times. To alert another leopard to their presence, they cough and become hoarse. They growl when angry and growl like house cats when happy.


Conservation status: Endangered

Scientific name: Panthera Tigris


Tigers are the largest living cats and are members of the genus Panthera. It is most famous for its dark vertical stripes on its orange fur with a white underside. As an apex predator, it primarily hunts hoofed mammals, such as deer and wild boar. Here is a list of interesting facts about the National Animal of India:

  • The tiger subspecies available in India are Bengal tiger, South China tiger, Indochinese tiger, Sumatran tiger and Amur tiger.
  • Tigers are solitary hunters, searching for food alone at night. They basically eat large animals.
  • Tigers are good swimmers, unlike most members of the cat family. They spend most of their time in lakes or streams.
  • A tiger’s roar can be heard up to three kilometers away, with a running speed of 65 km/h.
  • These ferocious cats are stronger than any other animals. Like 2 million year old tiger fossils found in many parts of China.
  • Tigers are the most unique animals in the world. Since no two tigers have the same stripes, they have their own unique patterns in their fur.

All cheetahs from Namibia are Freddie, Elton and Oban, while female cheetahs Siyaya, Aasha, Tbilisi, Sasha and Savannah are all in quarantine. The purring cats have begun to adjust to their new home and don’t seem stressed around humans.

According to the latest news, two elephants Lakshmi and Siddhanath were brought from Satpura Tiger Reserve to protect leopards from attacks from leopards and other competing predators. India can expect to have about 35 more spotted cats in the coming years!

In short, although lions, tigers, cheetahs, and leopards all belong to the same big cat family, they differ in many aspects, including size, appearance, behavior, and habitat. Understanding these differences can help us better appreciate and conserve these amazing animals. It is important to remember that all of these species are endangered or vulnerable and every effort must be made to protect them and their natural habitats. By working together, we can ensure that these big cats will continue to roam our planet for generations to come.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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