Brain teasers with answers: These tricky riddles will tease your child’s brain a bit!

Brain teasers with answers!

When was the last time you sat with your little one and enjoyed some relaxing time together? No, we’re not talking about the last movie you watched together or the 3-hour nap you took that day. We’re talking about those moments when you two enjoy doing an activity together.

Spending time with your children does not mean being present with your little one where you both leave the scene for 2 different worlds. Spending quality time with your children doesn’t just mean sitting on the same sofa, it also involves doing activities together that you both enjoy doing. Now, many people say that their children do not like to participate in such activities and others may say that there is no common activity that both of you enjoy. Well, the answer to both problems lies in understanding children better.

The only way children can develop their likes and dislikes for activities is to expose them to interesting activities from the beginning. Sometimes, children do not like to participate in popular activities and prefer to participate in activities that are often not accepted by society. In such a case, parents must provide a safe space for children so that they can explore such activities without fear of judgment.

This brings us to the next issue that parents or caregivers across the globe often face. Sometimes, children enjoy doing certain activities, but just when parents or caregivers try to join them in the same activity, they lose interest or stop doing the activity completely. Well, in reality, it may be that the child is not provided with a safe environment to explore the activity and make mistakes. Yes, making mistakes is an important aspect and to be able to not only accept those mistakes but also enjoy blunders without correcting or adding any social norms or ways By doing the right activities, children can enjoy the safe space you provide. Yes, correcting mistakes is not always the right way to help your child. Sometimes, the best thing children learn is when their mistakes are not corrected but appreciated.

For example, if a child likes to color and instead of choosing green, he colors the tree yellow, the caregiver does not need to correct those mistakes, as long as the child likes to color the tree yellow. The benefits of such bypassing are manifold. First, the child develops a strong sense of self-esteem, independence and confidence. Second, the child learns that there is no right or wrong way to do things, and therefore, this promotes creativity and the ability to think outside the box. Ultimately, this creates a strong, healthy, comforting and healing relationship between caregiver and child, making them believe that making mistakes is normal and accepted.

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Now that you know the importance of spending consistent quality time with your kids, we present some fun puzzles for you to try out with your little ones.


Brain puzzle 1:


Brain puzzle 2:


Brain puzzle 3:


We know you’re excited about the answer. Here it is!





We are sure you like these interesting brain teasers. We can see the big grin on your child’s face!

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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