Brain teasers: These brain teasers are especially fun. Don’t miss them.

Fun is an important aspect of life. In the capitalist world we live in, we often forget the needs of our body and mind. We completely forget that our backs are hurting when we sit for long hours in front of the screen. No matter how comfortable our office chairs are, they can never replace the benefits and comfort of a deep stretch. In office lunch situations with colleagues, we often forget the importance of hanging out with childhood friends. In a world where information is everywhere, we have forgotten to nurture our inner child with moments of fun and enjoyment. And oh, going out and playing baseball is something that never stops us all day. Have we forgotten to live? Yes, one could say so.

In an effort to bring back those fun childhood moments, we have come up with a series of fun and engaging quizzes. Brain puzzles like these not only help you think creatively but also remind you of the days when discussing fun puzzles with childhood friends and trying to outsmart them for fun was a thing. Normal.

With all these things going on in our mind, we thought of bringing some interesting puzzles that will stimulate the brain.

The last time you had fun may have been a long time ago. That’s why we bring you a set of brain teasers. Try them today.

Brain puzzle 1:

Imagine you’re at school, and while the teacher is out for lunch, you make it into the science lab. There, you find a microscope. What would a 45° angle measure when viewed under a 25x magnification microscope?

Isn’t this enough to evoke nostalgia for school days?

Brain puzzle 2:

Imagine again that you are back to school. From now on there will be a new teacher coming to class to teach science to you. While the teacher was always sweet and polite, you noticed something strange. The teacher is wearing sunglasses in class. Why do you think teachers wear sunglasses when entering class?

Another brain teaser enough to take you back to memory lane.

Intellectual puzzle 3:

Were you good at English when you were in school? Let’s check that out. Guess this interesting word. The first letters denote a woman, while the first two letters denote a man. The first four letters are used to describe a great person, but the full word is used to denote a great lady. What is this special word?

Wondering if we will present the answer or not? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Scroll down to find the answers you might be looking for.

Brain puzzle 1:

Imagine you’re at school, and while the teacher is out for lunch, you make it into the science lab. There, you find a microscope. What would a 45° angle measure when viewed under a 25x magnification microscope?

Answer 1:

Still 45°

Brain puzzle 2:

Imagine again that you are back to school. From now on there will be a new teacher coming to class to teach science to you. While the teacher was always sweet and polite, you noticed something strange. The teacher is wearing sunglasses in class. Why do you think teachers wear sunglasses when entering class?

Answer 2:

Because students are very smart!

Intellectual puzzle 3:

Were you good at English when you were in school? Let’s check that out. Guess this interesting word. The first letters denote a woman, while the first two letters denote a man. The first four letters are used to describe a great person, but the full word is used to denote a great lady. What is this special word?

Answer 3:

Super women!

Aren’t these brain teasers just what you really need to try to stave off boredom?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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