Brain teaser with answers: Brain teaser is a unique way to recharge the mind. Try these fun brain teasers!

Depression is a very little talked about struggle of human life. Many people struggle with chronic boredom in their lives, and when they try to seek help, society drags them down with the notion that others have it worse. Sometimes, life’s problems are a blessing! Troubles in life give people a fighting chance for their dream life and give them goals in life. However, no problem in life causes boredom, making life gloomier and darker. Visit a nursing home and you will realize how boredom affects the people living there to the point where they lose all hope in life. That’s when people need some form of fun and enjoyment in life to make it more attractive and colorful. Moments of joy and excitement keep balance to moments of euphoria.

So, in your opinion, what are some ways to add joy to life?

Well, one can always choose a sport and enjoy playing it with friends under the sun. Sports not only help people enjoy themselves, but also benefit the body and mind in countless ways. Today, the strong emphasis on sports and health and the growing awareness about fitness have eliminated the need to talk about the benefits of sports. However, not all of us are interested in sports. Furthermore, not all of us have the necessary health and energy to participate in a sport. Sports require agility and one cannot always expect agility at all ages. So what’s next on our list of options?

We talked about music, right? Well, music is perhaps one of the best ways to not only rejuvenate but also heal.

Music helps people recall old, sweet memories, dance to the beat and see life from a different perspective. However, like every other option we listed above, music also has its drawbacks. Not only does music evoke sweet memories, it can also bring back unwanted memories from the past that we want to repress and never recall. That’s when, even a material as pure as music, can kill happiness and enjoyment.

In such a situation, are there any options good enough to add just a few moments of enjoyment to our daily routine?

Yes, Brain tease!

Brain teasers are a fun way to add a few moments of fun into our daily routine! When one feels joy for even just 5 minutes a day, the mind is recharged and one can focus on the goals set in the first days of the year with even more enthusiasm and passion. Yes, that’s the whole game! Try these brain teasers to add fun to your life!

Brain puzzle 1:

I am a hygienic creature. I shave all day. However, my beard remained the same. What do you think I am?

Intellectual puzzle 2:

Who I am? I have branches but lack leaves and fruit.

Brain puzzle 3:

What keeps increasing but never decreasing?


Brain puzzle 1:

I am a hygienic creature. I shave all day. However, my beard remained the same. What do you think I am?

Answer: Oh, who said I shave every day? I’m the one talking to your barber.

Intellectual puzzle 2:

Who I am? I have branches but lack leaves and fruit.


I am a bank.

Brain puzzle 3:

What keeps increasing but never decreasing?

Answer: Age!

Hey, aren’t these three brain teasers enough to get you excited for the third month of the year? Worried about tomorrow? Well, don’t worry! We’re here to keep you excited and engaged with our content all year long!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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