Brain puzzle: Are you bored? Try these fun brain teasers.

Brain teasers for you!

There’s nothing more harmful than spending your life so filled with work that you forget to smile a little during the day. Sometimes joy is the missing element in our lives.

That’s why we bring you some fun brain teasers. To restore those lost moments of fun, we’re back with some interesting conundrums. Continue reading. Try them today. But wait, how can brain puzzles bring joy to your life?

Why brain teasers?

Our brains need stimulation. Imagine one day you get a very high paying job. You’ll be on cloud nine, right? You’ll buy the best gifts for yourself and others, plan to buy your dream house or car, and do whatever you’ve always wanted to do. However, after a while, you will get used to everything. A big house or a lot of money in your bank account will no longer interest you. Basically, you will get used to it. When we get used to things, boredom sets in. That’s when our brains start to feel sad, annoyed and depressed. In such a situation, you need to stimulate your brain with another interesting event. That’s what happens in our daily lives. No matter how exciting your life is, people often get bored with the usual routine. That’s when you need something to stimulate your brain every once in a while to keep it interested. This is why every now and then we come up with tough questions to keep your interest and engagement. Additionally, these difficult questions often force people to think creatively, helping them expand their thinking horizons. In this way, brain teasers can also be helpful in making a person creative and innovative. With this in mind, we present to you some interesting puzzles.


Good quality facial cleansers and shampoos can burn a hole in your pocket. Which laundry is provided for free?


It’s 3 a.m. and you’re sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, you hear the fire alarm ringing loudly. Your house has 3 rooms and the kitchen next to your bedroom caught fire. What will you open first – the window, the chimney, the kitchen or the skylight?


Who is taller: Husband is taller, Wife is taller. Taller or their younger children?


Good quality facial cleansers and shampoos can burn a hole in your pocket. Which laundry is provided for free?

Answer 1: Brainwashing!

Intellectual puzzle 2:

It’s 3 a.m. and you’re sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, you hear the fire alarm ringing loudly. Your house has 3 rooms and the kitchen next to your bedroom caught fire. What will you open first – the window, the chimney, the kitchen or the skylight?

Answer 2: Your eyes!

Intellectual puzzle 3:

Who is taller: Husband is tall, Wife. Tall, or their little one?

Answer 3: She is small. Well, he’s a little taller.

Are these tricky puzzles interesting? We are sure you like these!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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