Army Birthday 2023: What happened on June 14, 1775? Why is it celebrated as the birthday of the United States Army?

The US military celebrates its birthday on June 14 every year. The year 2023 marks 248 years of military service. The Continental Army was America’s first army and played a key role in winning the Revolutionary War. Here are all the details you need to know.

It’s almost time to eat a piece of cake 🍰

Culinary experts across the Army are putting the final touches on cakes to celebrate the Army’s 248th birthday.

Click here ➡️ to discover more about #MilitaryBirthday.

– US Army (@USarmy)
June 14, 2023

What happened on June 14, 1775?

On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress authorized six companies of professional riflemen to enlist for service in the United States Continental Army. This day is considered the official birthday of the United States Army.

The Continental Army was formed in response to growing tensions between the American and British colonies. Both countries have been in a state of war for many months and the incident on April 18 forced the US to establish a solid military base to protect itself.

Why is it celebrated as the Birthday of the United States Army?

The United States Army’s birthday is celebrated on June 14 because this is the day the Continental Army was founded in 1775. The Continental Army was the first army of the United States and played an important role in winning the war. won the Revolutionary War.

Here is a brief timeline of the events that led to the creation of the Continental Army:

April 19, 1775: The Battles of Lexington and Concord took place, marking the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

June 14, 1775: The Second Continental Congress authorized the creation of the Continental Army.

The army was initially formed from untrained militiamen. However, the delegates to the Second Continental Congress knew that they needed a professional army if they were to defeat the British.

According to the Library of Congress, George Washington declared: “The abuses [problems] I’m afraid that in this army is very significant, and its new model [reorganization]When faced with an enemy whose attack we are hourly waiting for, it is extremely difficult and dangerous.”

On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress authorized six companies of professional riflemen to enlist for service in the United States Continental Army. These soldiers were paid $6 a month and the captains received $20 a month which increased with rank.

The American Battlefield Trust organization declared “These riflemen, from Pennsylvania and Virginia, serving as privates will be paid $6.67 per calendar month. When 1775 rolled around, captains serving on the Continent would earn $20 a month and pay would increase with rank, with a colonel receiving $50 per calendar month.”

We don’t just celebrate #MilitaryBirthday This month, we honor our 248-year-old Soldiers who have answered the call to serve. #Making the difference.

When we celebrate #DDay, Staff Sgt. Eva Potter shared her inspiration

– US Army (@USarmy)
June 13, 2023

What are some ways to celebrate the United States Military Birthday?

There has been no official announcement on how the government plans to celebrate the day. However, the military celebrates by cutting a cake, and you can also participate in any of the following activities to show your support for the military and its mission:

  • Tour a local military installation: Many military installations host tours and exhibits that highlight the history and mission of the United States Army.
  • Attend a military appreciation event: Many communities host events to honor and thank the men and women who have served in the United States Military.
  • Donate to military charities: Many charities support the men and women who serve in the United States Military.
  • Thank a Veteran: Take a moment to thank a veteran for their service to the country.

In short, United States Military Birthday is a day to honor the men and women who have served in the United States Military. This is also a day to remember the sacrifices made to protect the country.

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