Albert Einstein Biography: Birth, Childhood, Education, Scientific Career, Inventions, Awards and Honors, Legacy, etc.

Albert Einstein Biography

Biography of Albert Einstein: He is a theoretical physicist famous for developing the theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect. In 1921, he won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on the photoelectric effect. Let’s look back at his life, education, inventions, scientific career, awards, honors, etc.

Biography of Albert Einstein

Born March 14, 1879
Place of birth Ulm, Württemberg, Germany
Die April 18, 1955
Place of death Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Education Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, University of Zurich (PhD)

Mileva Maric (d. 1903; div. 1919)

Elsa Lowenthal (d. 1919, died 1936)

Children Lieserl EinsteinHans Albert EinsteinEduard Einstein
Awards and honors Copley Medal (1925), Nobel Prize (1921)
Research subjects Brownian motion, gravitational waves, light, photon unified field theory
Known for

General relativity

Special relativity

Photoelectric effect

E=mc2 (Mass–energy equivalence)

Brownian motion theory

Einstein’s field equations

Bose-Einstein statistics

Gravitational waves

Cosmic constant

Unified field theory

List of other concepts

Albert Einstein: Childhood, Education, Marriage, Children, Teaching Career

He was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany, into a secular, middle-class Jewish family. His father was Hermann Einstein, and his mother was Pauline Koch. His father was a duvet salesman who later ran an electrochemical plant with moderate success. Albert Einstein had a sister named Maria. His family moved to Munich, where he began school at the Luitpold Gymnasium. His parents then moved to Italy, where he continued his studies in Arau, Switzerland. He attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich in 1896. There he trained as a teacher of physics and mathematics. In 1901, Albert obtained his diploma and became a Swiss citizen. At that time, he did not receive a teaching position but took up a position as a technical assistant at the Swiss Patent Office. He received his doctorate in 1905.

Albert Einstein wrote that in his early years, two miracles deeply influenced him. The first is his encounter with the compass. At that time, he was only five years old. He wondered what invisible forces could have deflected the needle. And the second time was when he discovered a geometry book at the age of 12 and called it his “sacred little geometry book.”

At the Swiss Patent Office, in his spare time, he created many of his notable works. He was appointed Privatdozent in Berne in 1908. He became Extraordinary Professor at Zurich in 1909 and Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague in 1911. The following year he returned to Zurich to take up a similar position. on one’s own.

He was also appointed Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in 1914 and Professor at the University of Berlin. In 1914, he became a German citizen and remained in Berlin until 1933. In 1940, he became a US citizen and retired in 1945.

Albert Einstein married Mileva Maric in 1903. The couple had a daughter and two sons. In 1919, they divorced. That same year, Albert married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, who died in 1936.

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Albert Einstein: Scientific career and invention

Albert Einstein was a leading figure in the World Government Movement after World War II. He was also offered the position of President of the State of Israel, but he declined and collaborated with Dr. Chaim Weizmann in developing the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

He was always interested in solving problems of physics and also had a clear view and determination to solve them. He has made his strategy his own and can visualize the key stages on the way to achieving his goals. In fact, he sees his milestone achievements as just another step toward the next level of advancement.

As his scientific work began, Albert Einstein recognized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity arose from the attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of electric fields. from.

He studies classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they are combined with quantum theory. This opened the way to explaining the Brownian motion of molecules. He discovered the properties of light at low radiation densities, and his observations and investigations laid the foundations for the photon theory of light.

He gave a precise interpretation of special relativity in his early days in Berlin and also introduced the theory of gravity. He published his paper on the general theory of relativity in 1916. At this time he also contributed to the problems of radiation theory and statistical mechanics.

He began working on unified field theories in the 1920s, while he was also working on probabilistic interpretations of quantum theory. He preserved this work in America.

By developing the quantum theory of monatomic gases, he contributed to statistical mechanics. He also did valuable work related to atomic transition probability and relativistic cosmology.

After retirement, he continued to work toward the unification of the basic concepts of physics. He took the opposite approach to geometry as most physicists.

He received honorary doctorates in science, medicine and philosophy from several European and American universities.

Albert Einstein: Important work

His important works include:

Special Theory of Relativity (1905),

Relativity (English translation, 1920 and 1950),

General Relativity (1916),

Investigations into the Theory of Brownian Motion (1926), and

The Evolution of Physics (1938).

Non-scientific works are:

On Zionism (1930),

Why war? (1933),

My Philosophy (1934), and

My Last Years (1950)

Important dates in March 2023: List of domestic and international dates

Albert Einstein: Awards and Honors

Barnard Medal (1920)Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)Matteucci Medal (1921)FormMemRS (1921)Copley Medal (1925)Gold Medal (1926)Max Planck Medal (1929)

Benjamin Franklin Medal (1935)Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1942)Time’s Man of the Century (1999)

Albert Einstein: Legacy

Einstein’s work went on to win the Nobel Prize for successful physicists.

The Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of Bose-Einstein condensates in 1995.

Black holes are now known to number in the thousands.

Additionally, new generations of space satellites continue to verify Einstein’s cosmology.

Let’s scroll through some tweets to witness his legacy:

Without Nobel laureate Albert Einstein’s many contributions to the theory of quantum mechanics, enhanced oil recovery in the Oil and Gas industry would have been just a dream. On the occasion of Teacher’s birthday and International Day #Math, #ONGCAcelebrate India’s pivotal role in its development @g20org

— Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) (@ONGC_)
March 14, 2023

Warm tributes to Nobel laureate Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of the 20th century. After contributing to the theoretical development of nuclear physics, he later spoke out against the used nuclear weapons and began to believe in the Gandhian philosophy that preached non-violence.

– Dr. Harsh Vardhan (@drharshvardhan)
March 14, 2023

Albert Einstein, born on this day, met fellow Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore at his home in Germany on July 14, 1930. The two minds explored concepts of science, religion and philosophy .

Read excerpts from their conversation:

– Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize)
March 14, 2023

On April 17, 1955, Einstein suffered internal bleeding from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm that Rudolph Nissen had previously surgically confirmed in 1948. He brought with him to the hospital a speech he had prepared for a television program commemorating the seventh anniversary of Einstein’s birth. State of Israel, but he did not complete it in time. Einstein refused the surgery and said: “I will go when I want. It is tasteless to artificially prolong life. I have done my part; it is time to go. I will do what That’s elegant.”

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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