11 AI-generated questions that will reveal your IQ score, take this personality test here

AI-generated personality quiz to test IQ level

An AI-generated personality test to test your IQ level sounds interesting. Artificial intelligence (AI) can simulate human psychology to analyze human personality traits such as intelligence type, strengths, weaknesses, etc. We tried. We prompted Google Bard to create an AI-generated personality test to test the IQ level of anyone who takes it.

This AI-generated personality test for IQ testing is designed to help you learn more about your own intelligence. It’s not an exact measure of your IQ, but it can give you a general idea of ​​your strengths and weaknesses. Google Bard has given us 11 questions with 3 options below each question for us to choose from. Based on the answers you selected, this AI personality test summarizes the results for each test taker.

This was the prompt we sent Google Bard to create this fun, engaging and informative AI-generated personality test to help you test your IQ levels.

AI-generated personality quiz

11 AI-generated questions that will reveal your IQ score, take this personality test here


Read each question carefully and choose the answer that best describes you.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be honest with yourself.

Once you have answered all the questions, check your results at the end of the test.

Ready? Start your test here.

Questions 1:

AI-generated personality test

A. I am good at solving math problems.

B. I am good at understanding complex concepts.

C. I am good at learning new things quickly.

Question 2:

AI-generated personality test

A. I like reading books and articles.

B. I like learning new things through experience.

C. I like learning new things through discussion and debate.

Question 3:

AI-generated personality test

A. I’m good at finding patterns and making connections.

B. I’m good at looking at the big picture.

C. I am good at thinking creatively.

Question 4:

A. I’m good at working with numbers.

B. I’m good at working with words.

C. I am good at working with people.

Question 5:

AI-generated personality test

A. I’m good at taking tests.

B. I am good at presentations.

C. I am good at writing essays.

Question 6:

AI-generated personality test

A. I am good at working independently.

B. I am good at working in groups.

C. I am good at leading others.

Question 7:

AI-generated personality test

A. I am good at solving problems.

B. I am good at coming up with new ideas.

C. I am good at communicating my ideas.

Question 8:

A. I am good at managing my time.

B. I am good at prioritizing tasks.

C. I am good at working under pressure.

Question 9:

AI-generated personality test

A. I am good at understanding complex instructions.

B. I am good at following instructions.

C. I am good at thinking for myself.

Question 10:

AI-generated personality test

A. I am good at focusing on tasks.

B. I’m good at doing many things at the same time.

C. I am good at taking breaks when needed.

Question 11:

A. I am good at learning new things.

B. I am good at applying what I have learned.

C. I am good at thinking critically.

Check your results:

If your answers are mostly A’s, you are probably an intellectual.

Intellectuals are good at solving problems, understanding complex concepts, and learning new things quickly. They are also good at reading, writing and working independently.


  • Good at problem solving.
  • Good at understanding complex concepts.
  • Good at learning new things quickly
  • Read, write well and work independently.
  • May be good at careers that require a lot of analytical thinking, such as engineering, science, and math.


  • Can be impatient with people who do not match their intelligence.
  • Can get bored easily.
  • May have difficulty understanding the emotional needs of others.

If your answer is mostly B, you are likely creative.

Creative people are good at seeing the big picture, thinking creatively, and coming up with new ideas. They are also good at learning through experience, working in teams, and leading others.


  • Good to see the big picture.
  • Good at thinking outside the box.
  • Good at thinking of new ideas.
  • Able to learn through good experience.
  • May be good at careers that require a lot of creativity, such as art, design, and writing.


  • Can be disorganized.
  • May have difficulty following instructions.
  • May have difficulty working in a structured environment.

If your answers are mostly Cs, you are probably socially intelligent.

Socially intelligent people are good at communicating their ideas, working with others, and taking breaks when they need to. They are also good at time management, prioritizing tasks, and working under pressure.


  • Good at communicating their ideas.
  • Good at working with others.
  • Good at taking breaks when they need to.
  • Good at managing their time.
  • May be good at jobs that require a lot of social interaction, such as sales, customer service, and teaching.


  • Can be easily distracted.
  • May have difficulty working alone.
  • There may be difficulty resolving conflicts.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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